Tips for creating a kids morning routine from a busy mom of 3 boys! How to get them up, ready and out the door without chaos!

Before my kids were all younger, our household slept until at least 9am. With a husband with a flexible schedule and no school yet, we created our own pace and it was slow. School shocked me when Cooper started kindergarten. Not only was he not prepared for waking up at 6:30, I wasn’t either! It’s taken us awhile (ahem…6 years) but our morning routine is like clockwork now. Creating a kids morning routine isn’t just helpful for them, it’s helpful for parents, too! The boys are getting independent and I love that they’re creating schedules for themselves. Here are the things that we’ve found to be most helpful.
Creating a Kids Morning Routine
Have their own alarm. We love the Amazon Echo Dots and the boys each have one in their rooms. They set their alarm each night and usually have it to some song they love. I also don’t have to climb the stairs to wake them each morning, which is way nice for me! There is also an Echo Dot Kids version, which can tell jokes, read books and play music that is all kid friendly.

Order breakfast ahead of time. I say “order” as a joke, but they do tell me what they want for breakfast the night before. This way, I can get up before them and have their food ready.
Pack lunch the day before. This is one we’ve been playing around with. I used to pack while they ate breakfast, but recently I’ve been playing with packing the night before. It allows me to spend more time chatting and cuts way down on the morning stress. Even if you just have them pick out their sides and throw a water bottle in, then leave the main dish to morning, it helps!
Kids Devotional. School is hard on these little ones, y’all. Kids are mean and there is a lot of stress these days that I didn’t have as a kid. I love reading this Jesus Calling devotional to the boys in the morning to keep them in touch with Jesus. I want them to be confident in who God made them to be and not allow so many outside influences affect them. Having a strong foundation to start the day only helps that.
Having these things set in place has created consistency with my kids and has allowed us all to get in a groove. They know exactly what to expect and arguing about getting things done is much less when the have an expectation. I hope this can help you create a more peaceful, organized, kids morning routine in your home!
Here are some of our school day favorites: