At our old church in California, they had this nice parent room. It was pretty much like a little church inside the huge one. They had the service on a huge screen, lots of toys and coffee. I sat in there with Coop every week, and actually haven’t been in the church since he was born, nearly 2 years ago.
We’ve tried a couple different ones here in Virginia, and for the most part, they are much smaller than our old church. Of course they didn’t have the little overprotective mommy haven that I’m used to.
Sunday, we went to one that was recommended to us, and decided to let Cooper go in the nursery. He has NEVER been in a nursery on of any kind, and the only people he has ever been left with is our family.
We got to his room, and everyone was crying. These poor kids had snot dripping down their faces, crumbled cookies falling out of their mouths, and tears freely flowing. Coop was petrified and clung to me for his very life.
I decided to go in with him, and he eventually started playing with the toys. I stepped out, and 2 seconds later, I heard his heart wrenching cry. The workers convinced me he would be fine, and I should just wait a few minutes.
I stood in the hallway crying.
Not even the pretty little “I love my child so much” cry. No, it was full on “ugly face” cry.
I couldn’t help myself. My heart was breaking for my scared little man.
He finally calmed down and we went into the service.
(And at this point we were 30 min late)
We were probably in there 10 minutes when my nursery pager went off.
I have to admit, I was kindof happy.
I missed him.
I was worried.
I didn’t want him to feel fear.
He practically lunged into my arms when he saw me, and all I wanted to do it squeeze him, and tell him I would never ever leave him again.
(Even when he’s 16 and trying to go by himself to prom)
awww poor kid… i was just looking into church nursery for my baby!! my daughter is 2 and I've never left her with anybody other than my mom so I'm sure when the time comes I'll be ugly face crying too!!!
As someone whose worked in church nursury, I think most moms cried the first time they left their child, or else they came back and got the (screaming, miserable,child)halfway through.. :))
Sad… that makes me so sad. Poor Coop!!! Poor Mommy!!
nurseries are scary…and plus think of all the germs the other kids have. ew.
awww poor guy! 🙁
Awwww, that would be heart wrenching. What is the deal with ALL of the babies crying? Is that normal for church nurseries? Anyway, hang in there. Growing up is tough! 😉
Awww! I would have been sobbing too. I am dreading the 2 month shots coming very soon 🙁
I feel this bit of sadness every time I leave my little man. I try not to stand at the door and watch him, but my heart hurts not to be near him. And slowly but surely the time ticks away and I get greeted with the biggest hug and kiss, and I'm reassured that I didn't mentally scar him.
None of my kids will go to Sunday school or the nursery. I have tried everything. I just bring them plenty to do in the church service.
Okay my church needs one of those parents rooms! Thats such a good idea! Every time I drop Raleigh off we get paged right away!
Awww, I'm sorry! I hope it gets better for you but if it makes you feel better, Jackson won't be making any trips to the church nursery any time soon. I have to find a church that has a "Mommy Haven!" haha.
What church did you attend here in Cali?
Sad!! Poor things (both of you)….thats the way I felt the first day that I left Blake at daycare…but that was months ago, and he LOVES it now!!
Aww Molly. This broke my heart reading this. I don't blame u for having a good ole "ugly face" cry. I'm sure the same thing will happen to me!
My older daughter used to do that at the nursery too…in fact, in that church, they sat my younger daughter in a corner and let her cry in her baby carrier for 45 minutes!!!!!
We switched churches soon after that, and now all three of my kids LOVE playing in the nursery.
I hope you can figure something out…or find a church with a space you can be in together! 🙂
I hated to take my little man for the first time! He cried so hard, I had to be so strong and not let him see me cry!! Poor guys…..poor mommy's
I still have a hard time leaving my kids, even with my family! I hope you are able to find a church similar to the one you went to in California.
There is an award for you over on my blog 🙂
Spoken like a true mom…
I have so.been.there. Sorry it was a rough Sunday!
Isn't it the most amazing, wonderful, HUGE gift and blessing to be able to stay home with your be-be? I worked after I had my 1st son(he has a different dad)and I would bawl everyday after dropping him off at daycare.
Anyway…praying for you all to find the house of your dreams soon!!
Awww,that is so sad. Poor little guy! I hope you find the absolute perfect house soon, sweet Molly!! 🙂
Hang in there! He'll get used it. My mom used to say it was part of growing up.
Hi Im a new reader! Just found you from another blogger!
poor guy! I have been the sobbing mom before:(
and I hope you find your dream house soon!We are house hunting also! and we live in Norther VA as well.. looks like we have lots in common!
This is so sad! Especially because there he is in the side bar being SO CUTE! I can't imagine what that would feel like- hopefully you're able to find a place for all of you- mom's room and all =)
come to our church – never a problem!!!