Today I peed with the door open. Yes, you read that right. I have discovered that it is way easier than to try and secure 2 babies far enough apart for them to not attack each other. I have to constantly peer around the corner because Cooper is very jealous of Gavins plentiful head of hair and will take any opportunity to grab a handful of it. Huh. As I write this, it sounds really silly. What am I going to do if he does? Run into the living room in front of the glass doors with my pants around my ankles? Maybe I should rethink this one. I decided to brave a walk again today. Cooper was really grumpy and not going to sleep and I knew he would in the stroller. I used the double stroller and that thing is the length of a limo. It is literally like trying to steer a cruise ship down the sidewalk. Once I got to walking, I remembered today was gardener day. There were trucks everywhere with men and their equipment all over the sidewalk. I had to bump 40 lbs of kids and their “limo” up and down the curbs to avoid all their stuff. But they were sleeping! I wouldn’t dare stop. I was prepared to walk all day. Thankfully, I am done for the week. This was the first and it won’t be 3 days in a row again. Hallelujah! I literally sang that chorus as I buckled Cooper into the car today. I just need to spend tomorrow shopping. I mean recuperating. Wait, aren’t they one in the same?