I am a super sucker for Christmas music. Even though I haven’t decorated yet, the music is a playin’. When a childhood friend (who happens to be an amazing singer/songwriter, AND have fabulous style) asked for blogs to review her new Christmas CD, I had both hands in the air! She has written for some big deal artists, so you know she is talented.
The songs are a mixture of traditional Christmas carols and contemporary favorites, but all performed in a very fun and modern way. Yancy penned two songs: “Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas” and “Christmastime”. Both are sure to become staples for many Christmas’s to come. The song “The Greatest Gift” is being played on radio across the U.S. My favorite is the Medley track. It is 4 of my favs all upbeat, and they get Cooper dancing around like a fool.
If you are looking for some good Christmas music, go get “Have a Fancy Yancy Christmas”!
You can get it any of these places:
If you love her then I totally will! =)
Ok, purchasing today! I'm like a collector of Christmas music 🙂 Love it1
Oh, I am loving this!! Going to become my new staple Christmas cd!!
Thanks for sharing love