Since becoming a mom, I have quickly realized that carrying around a child covers up at least 1/3 of your outfit. This just makes your baby a huge accessory. I usually dress Coop up to coordinate with me when we go out for something important. This is what he will be wearing to Christmas Eve church, to go along with my red and black outfit. I just dressed him up for this photo shoot and then immediatly stripped him down.

Outfit Deets:
Plaid Shirt – Children’s Place
Vest – Children’s Place
Black Cords – Old Navy
Children’s Place is like my FAV store for kids. They are affordable, have great sales, and have super cute clothes. Sign up for their mailing list and you will get coupons in the mail, too!
Fashion Friday is brought to you by the fab, Summer.

100% adorable! I love that the back of the vest has stripes – he's one fashion forward little guy!
What a little cutie pie! I love the outfit, I have to find a Children's Place! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Totally adorable little guy….we should arrange for him to marry Chloe when they grow up. =)
cutie pie.
he's inspecting his hands like…'should i even dare wipe this dirt on my shirt? will mom kill me?'
He is so adorable! I try and dress my daughter to coordinate me too!
Ahhhhh! So freaking CUTE! I love him! And, what a profound idea you have. Seriously – our kids ARE accessories. 🙂
Could he be any stinkin' cuter?!? So adorable!! I heart Children's Place, too! Except when I buy something full price and 4 weeks later, it is on the clearance rack … so annoying!
Aww sooo cute! Love his outfit. I'm starting to see your hubby in his face. 🙂
What a little stud-muffin 🙂
Why is he so adorable? It's because his mama's a hottie and his daddy looks like Tom Brady!
what a little stud muffin!!!
i love his outfit and that little smile is adorable!!
great pics! 🙂
He's such a little cutie!!!
Simply Adorable!! Love his eyes in the first picture!! His outfit is too cute!!
He is so cute! 🙂
What an adorable little man!! I love the picture where he is looking at his little hands!
Oh my gosh. He's SO stinkin' cute!
So super cute! He will be stylin at church. I just took some pics of my little guy in his church duds today. I need to post them.
he's SO cute!! Love his eyes!
He is so cute! I love that little outfit and I love the Childrens place. It is funny that you did this post because I was just thinking about how my baby is my little accessory!
He is adorable! I love the sweater vest…PRECIOUS!
love it!
We constantly scoring adorable things on sale for the dude at CP! That vest is too adorable!