This week, Fashion Friday is from one way more fashionable than me.
Meet my niece, Miss Avery.
Does this diaper make my butt look big?
She makes my uterus ache.

Outfit Deets:
Dress: Old Navy
Socks: Target
Shoes: K-mart
Hairbow: Made by my sis. You can check her Etsy shop HERE, or feel free to email her ([email protected]) for custom colors!

awww shes sooo adorable 🙂
SO freaking cute!!! I'm not even married and I fear I might already be suffering from "baby fever". What the heck is going on?! Love the outfit Molly and your guest for "Fashion Friday" is just too adorable!
SO cute…..I better have a girl one day so I can dress her in bows adn sparkly shoes….my luck I will have ALLL boys 🙂
Those shoes are to die for! Adorable!! (and Kmart…wow!)
how precious is she? I never think of going to Kmart for kids clothes– I might have to try that next time!
So cute.
she makes my uterus ache too! so adorable.
OMG so cute!!!
I need to do one of these with my little one. I love those shoes.
Seriously… she makes my uterus ache. STOP. I can't have another right now!
She is so adorable and I love the shoes!
she is soo adorale!!
She is DIVA'licious!!!
So adorable! Love the shoes and the bow. 🙂
baby girls makes my uterus ache too, don't tell my husband!! drooling over those shoes… miss the kmarts around here.
Oh my gosh…she is ADORABLE!!!! I could just eat her up.
Auntie Molly!!! I looooove those shoes. And yes, she's cute…but nothing makes my uterus ache now that I have three kids. lol =)
Hey! I noticed that you entered a CSN giveaway on MommyLovesStilettos, and I'm running a CSN lighting giveaway for $100 toward the light of your choice!!! Head over and check it out! I'll choose the winner randomly very soon. Good luck! 🙂
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cccccccccccccuuuuutttttteeeeeee!!!
I'm dying over here! I love her! And her $2 shoes from Aunt Molly? ADORABLE!!!
Oh my gosh…she is beautiful! I NEED a little girl that I can put headbands and bows on:)
She is precious! OMG!!! I need those shoes for my Miss Priss Brynlee. She is gorgeous!
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