When it’s raining out, I always feel like there’s this huge dilemma as to what I’m going to wear. Especially when it’s warm-ish and I don’t want all the bundles. On top of all of that, I’d say about 50% of my tops fit and about 25% of my pants. Soooo, that’s an issue. I love this lightweight anorak that I got from J. Jill’s new Spring Collection. It has the little cinch at the waist that gives me a little shape, even when I don’t have a lot of shape these days! The hood keeps the rain off of my 5 day old freshly curled hair while those comfy sneaks are easy on and off for errand running.
I’m 16 weeks pregnant now! I think I’ll add in a little weekly update from here on out, to keep track of my progress. The time is really flying for me. It’s been about 2 weeks of actually feeling good. I’m over the toilet hugging and constant queasiness, just still really tired.
How Far Along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: 4.6″ about an avocado
Total Weight Gain: 7lbs
Maternity Clothes: A mix of maternity and regular.
Gender: We find out April 7. I’m not counting the days or anything…
Movement: Maybe? Or maybe that was gas. But I think I’ve felt some flutters.
Sleep: OMG. I got a BumpNest pillow and it’s changed my sleeping life.
What I miss: Running without sounding like I’m dying. Also, whenever we go out on the lake, I really want a beer. I think O’douls is in my future.
Cravings: Not much now. I’m over the Sour Patch Kids and am really trying to eat healthier! I can demolish veggies and hummus right now.
Symptoms: Tired and wicked headaches. I say overall pretty good, though.
What I’m looking forward to: Snuggling my wee one!
You look great, Molly! I'm still saying girl!! can't wait to find out! oxox
It’s such a great post! Awesome! I like your style of writing and your photos!
I know how much time it requires to keep updating your blog, but don’t stop doing it!)
Diana Cloudlet
Congratulations Molly. You look fantastic and that is a chic casual outfit. Everything you are wearing is a staple. I am hoping you get a girl this time around. Hope all it goes well for you.
Ada. =)
This is so fun! I love the snuggeling your baby. Pregnancy flew by and now I'm holding my girl. I can't wait to see if your new baby is a boy or girl!!
You look glowing, Mols! Congrats again!
Yay! I am so excited for you guys. Can't wait to hear.
And I love your shoes! I need to get some of those slip-on style. So cute!
Hey I have those same shoes! Tarjay ftw!
Try peppermint oil for the headaches. Tylenol wasn't helping mine but the oil did.