I asked The Hubs if he was interested in making a Father’s Day wish list to share here. Part of it, was so that y’all might get some help in what to buy your men. The other part, though, was so I could copy the list and go shopping for him. Haha.
Since we’re only 6 days away, I linked his picks from places that have fast shipping (hey Amazon!) or can be ordered and picked up in store. Great for us last minute shoppers!
The Hubs loves electronics, organizing his garage, watches and trendy clothes, but nothing too wild. His favorite is Banana Republic because you can get most of their shirts in long length. He is 6’3″ and it’s literally life changing to have longer shirts!
Hope this helps you as much as it did me!
I kind of want the clean up caddy for myself. LOL! That would be so great in the garage.