Does the title of this post just scream oxymoron to you? Finding peace in Motherhood. It might seem far off, but it’s not. It’s a choice and it’s something all of us moms can do and have.
I was sent a copy of Ariel & Shya Kane’s book, Being Here…Too, to read and if I’m really honest, reading ins’t my “thing”. But I really want to make a focus (hey 2019!) on taking time for me. Reading books that encourage and benefit not just me, but my husband and kids indirectly, is something I want to be doing more of. I also listened to some of their podcasts and was so encouraged by them. Here are a couple things that Ariel and Shya talk about that I think can have a big impact on my life and my mothering.
Disillusion – To be free of illusion and false ideas
The idea of being disillusioned seemed like a negative to me, until I read the book. I’m doing exactly what I always dreamed about doing with my life right now. Being a mom and a wife. My 30’s have led me to be much more confident in who I am, but an area I always struggle with is motherhood. Am I doing enough? Am I discipling enough or too much? And the biggest for me, is am I present enough? It’s common among other moms I talk to, to wonder all these same things.
I think that being disillusioned is something we all need to grasp, especially during the holidays. The images you see on Pinterest, the posts on Instagram; they’re a snapshot of life. People post these to encourage, not to make anyone feel bad about themselves. But they can make us do just that. It’s okay to free yourself from comparing to these false illusions of life.
You can only be exactly as you are in each moment
Today. This moment. It’s never to be repeated! Why am I spending so much time worrying and wasting precious time? This book talks about the fact that I’m likely always going to have a list. It’s a component of being alive. There are plenty of things that need to be done. ALL.THE.TIME. But there’s always a time to set that list aside, since completing it isn’t my final destination. It’s just a part of living my life.
It’s okay to be completely, unapologetically me
I’m someone that says I’m sorry about everything. Now, apologizing is sometimes necessary! But not taking on guilt or feeling inadequate for something that doesn’t even have anything to do with you. You are enough. You do enough. You have enough.
I’m confident that when I feel there is a lack of peace and a high sense of stress in our home, that a lot of it lies in my mindset. I want to be continually finding peace in motherhood. Having peace in my house is a choice. Not something I work on over time. Not a gradual change, but a decision right here and now to have peace in myself and peace in my mothering. I believe if I make that choice, my little ones will sense that and feel more at peace themselves, as a result.
Are you comparing yourself to moms on the internet? At your kids’ schools? It’s a good time to stop the comparison and be confident in yourself as a person and as a mom to the little ones God has blessed you with!
Thank you, Ariel & Shya for sharing your book and sponsoring this post.