Happy Friday! I survived the last Husbandless week of the year and I’m so excited for the weekend together. Here are my favorite things this week!
Chilly weather. It’s gotten cold (for the south) here and while I’m literally fighting my kids to wear coats, I’m loving it. When the boys play outside for hours without coming in covered in sweat, it’s awesome!

Springfree Trampoline Fun. Tomorrow from 11-3, I will be at Springfree Trampoline Charlotte for their Christmas Wonderland! I LOVE doing fun holiday activities with my family and this is a great one. Santa will be there, along with a dj, crafts and of course, jumping! Bring out the whole family for some Christmas fun and come say hi to me if you’re there!
Christmas Baking. I made my first and absolutely not my last batch of festive sweets yesterday. We went to a Christmas party with The Hubs coworkers and I brought these guys along. They’re just oreo balls, but I spruced them up a bit and I think they turned out so cute!

Costco Leggings. I posted these on Instagram the other day and y’all were about as in love as I am. I kept reading that they are made by the same people that make lululemon leggings and while I don’t know if that’s true, I do know I love them. They are Tuff Athletic brand and I got them in the store since I couldn’t find them online.

Makeup Bag. My friends showered me with the best gifts for my Birthday this year. One of them is this jute makeup bag that says “Beauty comes from within (this bag)” It’s SO cute and would be a perfect Christmas gift for your girlfriends!
What are your favorite things to bake at Christmastime? I want to try new stuff this year!
Happy Friday!