We had a fun, quick weekend in Georgia. We left around lunch time on Friday, hit the worst traffic known to man and ended up getting there super late that night. I was beginning to think The Hubs would never agree to make the drive with me again after sitting still for nearly 2 hours!
Saturday morning we woke up and I couldn’t get this guy away from my parent’s dog. He absolutely loves dogs and Cooper has been asking for one all the time lately, but I don’t think I’m ready to be taking care of one right now! So, I think we’ll just keep visiting Colby at my parents.
After some shopping with my sis, it was time to go see the show we went to see. It’s in a small town, just a bit away from where my family lives and my mom, brother and sister are all in it.

I took a quick pic at the end of the show. It’s set in the 50’s and was so, so good!

After the show, we grabbed milkshakes at the one little restaurant that was open in town, then went to meet my brother’s girlfriend at her surprise birthday party. I still can’t believe my little baby brother has a girlfriend!
Sunday, we went to church and this is what I wore. Elastic waist pants forever.

When we were loading up to head home, we realized we had taken no pictures together, so we decided to get some.

The time change kicked my booty, especially after staying up until 1:30 chatting on Saturday night! We didn’t have much downtime, but we sure did enjoy all the time we had together. I love that I can drive to my parents house for the weekend, after living so far away from them for 10 years!
How about it still being light at 7:30 last night, though?! We played family basketball for about an hour and a half last night and I am feeling the soreness today!
I'm so glad you had a great weekend with your family!