Life is getting in the way of my blogging.
Changing diapers
Christmas shopping
Getting ready for a Christmas party here on Saturday
Watching my reality shows (Well, maybe this shouldn’t count)
Playing in the rain with my little man
Grocery shopping
Organizing the garage so I can find the jogger and run.
Sitting by the new fireplace with the hubs and just talking about our day.
Kisses and hugs and snuggles from an almost 20 month old that adores me no matter how much I get upset at him for pulling ornaments off the tree.
These are the things filling my days and nights right now. And I think that’s how it is supposed to be.
i think so too 🙂 <3
I think so too, but I miss you. 🙁
I believe it is 🙂 good luck with everything.
Ugh! I know..Im lucky if I can post anything let alone comment! This season will too shortly pass and we can come back to our addiction soon!! We just have to put a few things on the back burner and show this season some lovin'!!(oh and our families of course too!!)
we forgive you for letting these things get in the way.
Totally understandable 🙂
Gotta cherish these times whenever you can. Happy holidays lady!!!
I think it's going around….life trumping the blog.
I'm dealing with it too.
I agree. 🙂
that is exactly how it is supposed to be!!
enjoy it all hun! 🙂
hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!!
Amen lady. QT with the fam trumps everything else! Life trumps blog so says the fabulous Summer. : )
sounds perfect 🙂
and I have a hard time deciding as well…which is priority reality tv or blogging?!?!? IDK! ha
I feel like life is getting in the way of my blogging/blog reading too. LOL
Me too!!! I've just been thinking this lately. Yeesh, no time for blogging. (I don't have a move as an excuse though)
Hope your having a great time with your family. Miss you 'round here!
I agree. Enjoy this time!
That's exactly how I feel 🙂 Good luck with your Christmas party – I am sure it will be wonderful! Have a great day!
I hear ya! I'm way too busy for blogging right now too. Although somehow I'm managing to read a few here and there…. 😉 Sounds like the things you're doing are pretty fun too!
Sounds just perfect. Who can blame you for not being able to blog? 🙂
I'm there with you! I can manage to post a blog, but I can't seem to keep up with reading blogs!