When we were trying to get pregnant with Callan, we decided there would be no trying during the month of March. I didn’t want the chaos of a Christmas baby, especially knowing I would be having a c-section. Little did I know that a November baby is just as difficult. Even one born on November 1st. Things around here have been complete chaos for the past 2 months.
Callan was born.
I turned 27.
Recovery from C-section.
We hosted 13 people for Thanksgiving weekend.
We had 2 days of only us in the house.
I threw a baby shower for my sis-in-law at my house.
We celebrated our 6th Anniversary.
Christmas shopping with a newborn and a 3 year old. Ahh!
We hosted 15 people for Christmas and the full week afterwards.
Went to my sister’s house in Ohio for New Years.
January 3rd – I CRASHED
It was the first day I have come downstairs in my pajamas since Callan was born.
I feel like I haven’t sat still in 2 months. I have 8 loads of clean laundry piled in my bedroom yet to be folded. The Christmas decorations are scattered everywhere waiting on the hubs to carry the storage boxes up from the basement. Every bed in my house is rocking dirty sheets from all the company.
And what am I doing?
Blogging, Pinning, downloading new iPad apps. Nursing. Watching Real Housewives. Nursing. Eating my weight in Christmas candy. Nursing. Snuggling with Cooper while streaming Netflix movies. (Humm. The majority of this is benefits of finally having internet.)
So I plan to keep doing these things and not feeling bad in the least. Because after all, I’m hosting neighborhood Bunco next Friday that I need to plan for and we are going to New York the next weekend. Oh, and I’m running a half marathon in March that I need to start training for.
Maybe I have sit still issues. Is there such a thing?
girl you are going just a mile a minute! Enjoy your time out!
Just reading all of that I was exhausted and I don't even have kids yet! Girl you are in Super Mom status, and definitely sounds like a few days in jammies are just what you need! Whew! Hope you get a break and can relax before busy hits you again!
Take a break – you deserve it!
p.s. I need to start training, too!
Goodness gracious- I'd be seriously grumpy if I were you! I'd probably give myself some grace though and re-schedule my marathon for a later time. I'd definitely go to NY, and I'd ask everyone to bring a dish to share for bunco…But then again, making life easier on myself is something I am training myself to do. Usually I'd do it all, but then be grumpy later. You might just be one of those people who can handle it! Good luck!!
Goodness gracious- I'd be seriously grumpy if I were you! I'd probably give myself some grace though and re-schedule my marathon for a later time. I'd definitely go to NY, and I'd ask everyone to bring a dish to share for bunco…But then again, making life easier on myself is something I am training myself to do. Usually I'd do it all, but then be grumpy later. You might just be one of those people who can handle it! Good luck!!
God love you. Enjoy your down time!! You deserve it!!! I vow to wash my own sheets and put them back on my bed when I come stay with you. 🙂
Take a deep breath and slow down. 🙂 You are like me and take on so much. I hope things slow down for you.
OMG Woman! PS – Mia was born November 5, so I totally understand! It's crazy!
Half-marathon? You go girl!
Wow! You are inspiring busy girl! And I thought I accomplished a lot.
Nice computer btw
Holy cow chica! Slow the heck down! …or don't. I totally get the crazy busy and happen to thrive in it myself. I'm just happier on the go! But do enjoy some pj days along the way. I just had a week or so of them myself. 🙂
and I tough I had a crazy life. Take a break and enjoy your time
Wowza and I thought my life was crazy lol! Enjoy that little bit of down time you get, its definitely well deserved!!
SLOW DOWN!!!!!! 🙂
omg relax and enjoy those cute babies! 🙂 I love your blog and became a follower! 🙂 Erin
Oh, I have sit still issues as well. And yes, it's just as chaotic having a November baby. Dylan was supposed to be a Christmas baby, but made other plans.
WOW! Just wow!! Actually I know lots of people who seem to thrive on going, going, going!!! Just be careful to take some time for you here and there so you don't burn out 🙂