YouTube is one of the apps on the iPad that is supposed to be used only with a grown up in our house. You can find the weirdest things while searching for the Duck Song or Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Several weeks ago, I found Cooper watching a video on a channel littered with Chinese writing. The woman was opening an egg wrapped in Cars shrink wrap and describing the contents. It was super weird. And naturally, Coop thought it was the coolest things he’d ever seen.
Fast forward to Easter, when the bunny knew he loved those eggs and put a couple in his Easter basket. His first reaction was, “I’m going to be on YouTube!”
So here, for your viewing pleasure, is the YouTube movie he’s been begging me to help him make for days. Don’t mind the hubs with the football trying to tell me a story, or the second born with a temper for days over who knows what, in the background. This was the quietest moment we could find yesterday.
I give you, Cooper opening his egg:

OMG He is absolutely adorable! His little voice and he's sooo serious! Love the temper tantrum…..real life!
haha that entire video was perfection!
awwww hes so cute!!! you should def help him make a little series of his own. Im sure they would be awesome to look back on in 15 years.
(oh and my son totally has that camo sweater too! lol)
the sweet life of a southern wife
Oh my gooooosh that was the best thing ever! Haha!! Made my morning for sure!! 🙂 Good job Cooper!
I kept looking to see what was going on in the kitchen! lol! Two videos in one! 😉
LOVE him! Such a cutie!
Oh my goodness he is so stinkin adorable!! Thanks for sharing!
He is a YouTubing natural. The distraction in the background didn't even phase him.
That just made my morning! Thanks! Adorable and super cute!
So adorable!!!!
That made my morning!
Too cute!!! I agree. He should do a series of vids. My kids love YouTube, but man can they end up on some weird stuff. My son loves watching videos of kids opening gifts and talking about their toys.
LOL I love everything about this video!! Cooper is adorable! And the end when Callan runs in throwing his little fit — made me giggle (in a good way!)
I haven't read your blog in forever cause I've been away, but this post was so adorable. Your kid is so natural for the camera, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends on tv lol… and your other kid throwing a tantrum LMAO…
Very nice, Molls.
super cute boy…my that is a quiet house
That is insanely cute! My oldest son likes to watch youtube videos of people reviewing transformers, which is kind of cute and weird at the same time. Your son was very articulate.
Cooper is absolutely adorable!!! I loooooved his video!! I hope he is inspired to do more 🙂 he is the cutest!!!
Holy cow Cooperman! You were great in your vlog! You have a natural talent. Please, please make more vlogs soon!
This cracks me up!! Your son is trying to hijack your blog between his style posts and his vlogging! Too cute!!!! He seriously is going to be a professional vlogger by the time he's 7. I love how seriously he took the video and how nothing distracted him. And then I love how your husband gets such a kick out of it in the background. I don't know how you kept a straight face. I would have been dying. He's such a cutie!!