{Forgive the partially moved into closet}
{Everyone needs a little joy in the world}
I was in charge of planning the crafts. As I helped all these little kiddos with their miniature snow globes, I couldn’t help to feel like the other mom’s were looking at me like I was just there to help. Like my outfit belonged in high school and not at a Mom’s Club function.
My suspicion was verified when a mom asked me if I was there for that very reason. When I pointed out my 20 month old son, she seemed shocked that I was a mom. Never seen a sequin tank, huh?
Although I’ve been out of the fashion loop lately, spending all my time in home decorating stores instead of the mall, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to do the mom jean thing. I will be at Momz Share wearing just what I like and it may not be as appropriate of “mom attire” as some would like.
And I’m okay with that.
I’m almost always the youngest mom. The winner of the babies having babies award.
And I kindof love it.
Coop will graduate high school when I’m 41.
And I’ll probably be wearing sequins.
Oh maan been there. It used to bother me- doesn't help that I look like I'm about 16 (I'm 24) AND I live in Colorado where people don't start having babies till late 30's early 40's so Im always by Far the youngest at the Moms events. Im always having to clarify that Yes, I am the mom, No, not the nanny/au pair. But now I proudly rock My look, regardless of the mom jeans and khakis/ugly sweater combo's they are usually the standard attire. Can't wait to see what outfit you wear for your moms event tomorrow!
Ok, since I was AT the party you are referring to, I can say with authority that you did NOT look like a teeny-bopper or a mother's helper or something. I would LOVE to know who made that lame remark to you (I remember you telling me about it at the time)! Your outfit was totally cute and you are still my style inspiration because I have so little of my own! Yes you are a young mom, but you are not THAT young. ha ha. And anyway, I am glad you're enjoying being a young mom. Its a great thing! Have fun at the mommy event – sounds like fun!
I think your outfit is cute! Mom jeans are not for me either:-) I'm sure they were probably just jealous and thinking "Man, I wish I looked that good for having a baby that young!" Wear something even cuter this year-maybe they'll follow the trend!
Good for you not letting "them" get you down! Just because you have a sense of style and fashion does NOT reflect in any negative way on your ability to be a good Mom.
Rock on with your sequins! 🙂
Just like the first commenter, I live in CO. My son just started Kindergarten this year and for all the new Kindergarten parents, they have a breakfast on the first day of school.
The PTA board member that was greeting everyone turned me away from the breakfast because she thought I was the nanny. Even after telling her my sons name, she refused to let me in. In came the PTA president. She looked at me and said that if I was the caretaker of the child it would be "okay" for me to attend the breakfast.
I'm 26, not 16. Even if I was 16, how rude!
My opinion? Wear what you like and what makes you feel good. Just cause you're a mom doesn't mean you have to dress a certain way!
Good grief! Girl here in the South moms at 18 are not uncommon at all 🙂 I guess it is somewhat good that that's not the norm everywhere. 23 is not all that young to have your first. My mom was was 24. I think it's better to start early if life works out that way for you- then you have the energy to be the fun stylish mom 🙂
Tara (Franzone) Mims just posted awhile back on her experience at the beach with her 4 kids where a lady had the audacity to ask her (in a condescending offending tone) how old she was. She was like "I'm 28 ma'am". Sheesh. Some people!
I know the feeling. I get those looks ALL the time.
Im always the youngest mom too and people always ask me if Im the babysitter! I think your always dressed fabulous! and who doesnt love sequins..Ill probably still wear them when Im 50!
well i think you look great in these pics – rude women are unfortunately everywhere, at every age!
i've been mistaken for marco's nanny many times – it's always a little irksome.
i am 23 and had my first baby five months ago. i lost my baby weight fairly quickly and soon looked like a teeny bopper yet again (being asian doesn't help since we supposedly don't age). people always think i am just the babysitter until it's time to breast feed!
just be true to who you are.
I can't do any mommy things here in Berkeley because every mom is literally in their mid to late thirties or forties and I'm in my mid twenties. I have almost nothing in common with them. I wish I lived in an area with younger moms. We should all start a twenty something mom group.
I don't think you look like your in highschool. You look like a young 20 something stylish women. There is nothing wrong with that. Just because you had a baby definitely does not mean you have to automatically trade in your stilettos for Mom jeans and flats. That's just crazy talk.
TOTALLY! You dress great! I will still be in my 30's! when Evan graduates high school- 38 actually. I will always, always be the youngest mom and it's hard sometimes, but I mostly like it. It's hard to fit in with the other moms sometimes though. I definitely don't do the mom jean thing. I wear nice earrings to story time and all. Hahaha
And here I was worried about being too fashion-deficient (seriously, we'll be lucky if I even shower) and too OLD at MomzShare. Funny how women will always find something to feel insecure about…. Look forward to meeting your fabulous self tomorrow night!
You don't look like a teen mom. You look super fab. Other women are just jealous.
Awww, you're fabulous, please don't change! I definitely can relate. At our weekly story time dates I'm almost always the outcast. I don't fit in with the women, I'm a good 10-15 years younger than them and my wardrobe doesn't consist of plain shorts, khaki pants and pastel colored tops. I like flashy, pretty things and I stand out. I'm okay with it. Just know you're not alone! 🙂
I think you look great!!!
You are freaking gorgeous!!! I'm jealous that you look the way you do. I used to be the young one and I'm not anymore. And it sucks! Loved meeting you last night. 🙂
I love that you are a young mom. I'm getting terrified that the longer I wait, the older the mom I will be. Eek!!
And I saw your tweets from last night… so did you have fun?? 🙂
Those shoes are sa-WEET! Did you wear them to the party? Sad I missed admiring them in person:(
You look great; I know it, you know it. 😉
I always think its great that Trevor will be 18 on my 40th bday.. Yay for young Mamas!
Who doesn't love sequins?!? I feel ya on the young mom thing (20 when C was born). It sucks, but your smart to not let that negativity get you down. If people look down on young moms, then there not a friend you need anyways.
Please don't do mom jeans!!!
I am surprised at how much older my son's classmate's moms are than me. I'm 30, and they act as if I'm a baby!
Just because you are a mom doesn't mean you have to dress like one. I mean really, who wants to dress older than they are just so that other mom's will be accepting. I think trendy is cute and I have had my hubby tell me that whenever we have kids, "mom" jeans are never allowed in our home…and he doesn't even like fashion. He just knows bad fashion when he sees it! Stick with the sequins and let your shirt and your personality sparkle!! 🙂
I know I'm about a month over-due posting on this but I just realized I missed it.
I had two kids before I was even 20. I"ve had more than my share of looks & questions when I took the boys places. I even had a kid in one of their kindergarten classes tell me that I couldn't be the mom. I must be their sister.
As flattering as it is, it's still frustrating b/c the teachers & other parents don't always take you seriously. I ignore most of them & just assume it's b/c their jealous. Both boys will be gone to college before I'm even 40. There are definitely benefits to having kids early.
i just started reading your blog and we're like kindred spirits! I was at momz share to and thought that I would be the youngest there at just a few weeks shy of my 23rd birthday! i also threw the mom rules to the wind and wore a fascinator & suspenders 😀