My mom. It is hard to put her amazingness into words. She is everything that I can only hope to one day be. She sums up the Proverbs 31 woman to a tee. I was at my parents house last week and am constantly amazed at the things she does. She gave birth to 5 children…that we all know is a feat in and of itself! (Side note, one of those children grew up to be uber amazing and talented. Duh, ME!) Hehe. She is living with Celiac disease and has to be very strict about the foods she eats. She still has 3 kiddos at home, and is homeschooling a 12 and 11 year old. She has 3 grandsons, (granddaughter on the way!) and often watches 2 of them that live around the corner from her. She makes all the meals, her house is almost always spotless and organized, and she irons shirts until they are crunchy for my dad. With all that plus way more, she still finds the time to do all this.
Roast and grind all the coffee.
Make bread.
Grow a garden. (This is only one corner that has grown up so far. They just moved and started a brand new garden!)
Make her own laundry detergent.
See what I mean? Where does she get her superpowers? Someday…maybe someday…once I get back into the showering everyday thing, I might can do something that she does. One thing, maybe? She has been and continues to be an incredible mother and friend to me. I can always go to her with a problem or for advice. She is simply put, AMAZING!
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I love you!
You are blessed.
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Happy Mother’s Day! You won the AbbyRoo bag giveaway!!! Shoot me an email @ countrygirlcitylife at!!!!
Wow that is so awesome! I can barely brush my teeth everyday, how she does it I do not know!