We threw a barbecue for the hubs work peeps on Saturday, so Sunday, we took it easy. Naps, pointless TV watching, and chinese take-out. Ahhhh. In the midst of that, I started getting the crafty bug. It only comes in spurts, so I have to jump on it and head to Joanns this afternoon. I have a whole list of things I want to make, I just have to go get some stuff. And don’t you worry your little hearts. I am working on something fancy pants for my 100th post giveaway. It is coming soon!
I saw 2 different monkey prints that I really liked at Target last week and got inspired to make some art for Cooper’s room. I found a few canvas’ in my paint stuff and made this little fellow for him. 

This is with his crib bedding.
Thats all folks. Hopefully I will have some more fun stuff to show you in the next few days!
Very Very cute. I love it.
I love that little monkey!
Saw that you won over on Laughing through the Chaos. ANd then in the comments, someone else said you had won on their blog as well. You should run out and get some scratcher tickets or something and see if you are having a lucky streak. I can't seem to win anything even on blogs that only have seven people try to win.
Keep up the creative juices…that monkey is stinkin' cute! If you get the itchin' to make a cute giraffe like that…you can send one my way! LOL!
Super cute!!!
I love this! You did a really great job!
aw, very cute!
wow girl! look at you being all crafty! i'm impressed…wish that i had some of that talent in me 🙂