The Ultimate Blog Party run by 5 Minutes for Mom was one of the first things I did when I started this blog a couple years ago. Such a fun way to meet tons of awesome bloggers!
Let me introduce myself. I’m Molly. Lover of fashion (on the cheap), cooking, crafting and a good cleaning schedule. Been married to the hubs for 6 years this December. He’s a foot taller than me and considers everything he says comedic genius. He is a huge NY Met fan and it has seriously rubbed off on me.
We have moved cross country together 3 times. Florida to New York, New York to California, and just last year, California to Washington DC. We lived in a hotel for 3 months while waiting on our first house here in the DC burbs!
Our little man, Cooper, will be 3 this month and I am obsessing over his Toy Story Birthday party. He was 9lbs 2oz when he was born and has been over the 95th percentile ever since. He knows his alphabet and how to spell his name and says inappropriate things on a regular basis.
Hey neighbor! Landed here via #UBP11 – really late and already trying to keep up.
I love that your a.k.a a "Slightly Appreciated Hot Mess" and possibly that your son says inappropriate things on a regular basis. My 2.5 year old is on this track. I'm working on an intervention though…possibly we can join forces!
See ya around!
What a great idea! How fun that you got to meet two of your favorite bloggers. I have never been to a blog event of any kind. It looks fun.
Hey! Stumbled over here via #UBP11. I'm entering the party late, too, better late than never! lol. Your son is so stinkin cute!
Look forward to following your blog!
Nice introduction ma'am. I'm all for Coops saying inappropriate things 🙂
Your family is so stinkin cute, Molly!!
Love you Molls! I have gotten a couple of new followers just because of you today! P.S. Addy said the other day.. "Look Mama! There's your WIIINNEE Store!! How long did it take them to build your WIIINNNEEE store??"
I love your little family! I wish my hubs and I had moved from one end of the country to the other…sounds like fun to me. <3
Hi Molly! Saw you on a Momz Share FB post and also see you're on the UBP. I'm new to blogging and live in the Annapolis area. Loved that your 3 year old is having a Toy Story son, almost 11 yrs old now, had a Toy Story party for his 3rd B'day.. a long time ago:( They just grow up way too fast!
New follower via ultimate blog party. Hope you will follow me too @
Loved the name of your blog and clicked on it in the UBP11 list.
I'm currently obsessing about my 6-year-old's upcoming birthday which features live animals in my house!
Good luck with your blog, stop by and visit me at
I think you'll like my banner (hint: stilettos)
Nice meetin' ya!
My 3 year old loves to say inappropriate things all the time, too…. Aren't they just too cute sometimes? My husband is also a foot taller than me, but then I'm just a bit over 5 foot.
Nice to meet you at the party! I hope you can stop by some time
This is such a fun post Molly!! I have never done this before…maybe I should link up?!?
Hi, I found you via UBP11. I am a new follower. I can't wait to read more of your blog.
Sounds like an exciting life! Just stopping by on my UBP party tour!
hahaha! Love love love the name of your blog! Found you via UBP!!! Yay for more blogger friends!!!
xoxo Marissa
Hello! Lovely Blog!! It is very nice to meet you and I'm very excited to be part of the UBP for the first Time…
I'm now following you via GFC!
Hi! I’m belatedly stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you!
I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. We're giving away a $100 Visa gift card at Giveaway Corner. Thanks! (A free giveaway every weekday) (Family blog)