4 weeks and 4 days. That’s how long we’ve been living in our new house sans internet, phone and TV and I seriously miss y’all.
Tomorrow we are supposed to be getting DirecTV hooked up, but I won’t believe it until I see the Real Housewives on my screen! We’ve been given 3 different phone numbers, one of which I found out belonged to a guy named Jose, and 2 different instillation dates that never happened. After 2 hours on hold today, they told me it would be no longer than a week to find out the problem…riiiiight.
So what have I been doing?
Painting walls. Shopping for furniture. Playing with my new appliances and cooking up a storm. Bree VanDekamp-ing the new neighbors. Unpacking more boxes. Watching lots of red box movies during nap time. Going door to door asking the neighbors about their internet. Getting on a running schedule and going almost every morning at 6:30. Sightseeing in DC with my family. Planting flowers. Aaaand, talking on the phone to internet companies.
Trying to keep myself busy, but its hard! I absolutely can’t wait to get back into the bloggy swing of things. Until then, I keep twittering away, hanging onto that tiny thread connecting me to you. So chat with me and make me feel less lonely, mmkay? Hopefully in a week or so, I’ll be back!
I totally forgot to tell you all what that mysterious fabric was that I was standing on in the last Fashion Friday. Its a detachable collar of a cardigan that I really love, but wouldn’t be caught dead with the collar. Its totally Cruella Deville.
I was thinking of you today and wondering how the new house was. Sounds like you are getting a lot accomplished and good for you with the running…send some motivation my way please.
Hopefully all will be back to normal soon.
It sounds like you've been keeping busy! I hope you get hooked back up to the "real" world, soon!
oh poor thing!!! i totally get you with no internet connection! We've been through a faze like that when we moved in this apt, but lucky for us we had some cool young couple neighbors that let us borrow their wireless connection key until we got our internet up and working:)
Maybe you can do that too depending on how far from your house is the next neighbor with a wireless internet connection. anyway wish you best of luck with that!
Happy Wednesday!
awww I can't even imagine life with no internet 🙁 I always say I would love for a week with no electronics but deep down, I think I would go through withdrawal! Miss you lots!
I dont know how your making it with out the Real Housewives! Im loving all of your house pictures!!!!
I do not know how you are functioning w/o internet! YIKES! Cannot wait for you to be back and post some more pictures of your beautiful new home!
Aww I've been missing you! That's a freaking long time with no tv or internet. I would DIE! 🙂
You've been MISSED!!! 🙂
(and that whole 6:30am running thing is just impressive…oh how I wish I was an early morning person!)
glad we have twitter lady!! 🙂
i hope you are having some relax time watching it during coop's nap time today 😉
Be sure to post pics of your new colors in the house! I know it's hard, but a media detox is not necessarily a bad thing 🙂
The only way I can easily bear media detox- go on vacation 🙂 I suggest a cruise 🙂
Poor girl….I would be dying…..for reals!! Hope that you get it all hooked up SOON!!
I'm a new follower and cant till your back in the blogging world so we can hear all about your new place! Aaand your son is Adorable.
Not sure how you are surviving! Hopefully everything will work out soon. I'm missing your blog posts! 🙂
you always know the right thing to say!............................................................
Yeaaaah! You are back with a new post. Saw on your Twitter that you love Bethenny as much as I do ~ woohoo!!!
oh wow, when we first moved into our new house a few months ago we had no internet/cable and it was awful, I felt totally out of the loop!
Bet you can't wait to have life back to normal…I gave your blog an award today, thought you would want to know!
Hi Molly!
My name is Chelsey Moss and I stumbled across your blog the other day and just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading! Girl, you are too cute and HILARIOUS! I love your Fashion Fridays and reading all about your adventures! I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself! You can read all about me on my blog http://www.mossmoments.blogspot.com! Hope everything gets worked out with your internet soon! 🙂
I just like your blog. It is very nice. You can read my blog http://mahaluckym.blogspot.com and please post a comment.
I guess I will need a lot.................................................................
Hope you get the internet quickly — I can't imagine living sans internet. Although, I'm sure you have a little more free time? Maybe? 🙂
Great job on running – I can't get my rear out of bed to run at 6:30 in morning and if I do it's really not a good run :/
You've been busy! Miss you! 🙂
Hi, I'm new here and love your blog design.
Sounds like you have a really fun life :-). Will be back for more stories.
Oh girl I know how you feel I have been trying to catch up on blogs because I have been so busy and I haven't had the internet lol..I'm glad everything seems to be going good except for the being on hold for 2 hour deal lol..
I miss reading your BLOG!!
Glad to hear the move went well!
I am TOTALLY stealing the phrase- 'Bree VanDeCamp-ing' haha!
Hi there, I just found your blog and I think its darling! Sorry you have no service that stinks!
I just wanted to say hi, and I am now a follower. Stop over and visit sometime!