I flew home from visiting the fam in GA yesterday. The hubs came home a few days earlier, so I was flying with Cooper by myself. Fun. He is really a great baby, but any 1 year old that is traveling for 8 hours is not that happy. I made sure I wore “one hand pants” as I call the pull-ons, since I would be using the bathroom while holding a baby. We had a 2 1/2 hour layover in the Vegas Airport. As many of you know, it looks like this:
There are slot machines everywhere. I was walking around alot with Cooper in the stroller and letting him do some walking too. Every time I stopped somewhere, someone would come up to me and say “excuse me, mam, the baby has to be 20 feet away from the machines”. Ok, so that is easy. They take over the entire airport! Maybe I should have waited in the bathroom and saved myself alot of trouble.
I’ve never been to the Vegas airport, but it sounds RIDICULOUS. The last thing I want to do is spend anymore time in the airport than I have to… no thanks slot machines, no thanks! It wouldn’t be so bad if there were just a casino room or something blocked off… but making it difficult for you to travel with a baby is THE SUCK.
Isn’t that annoying?!? I took my oldest to Vegas when he was 5 months old … I know, don’t judge … and I kept getting those warnings, too! It’s not like the babies are playing the stinkin’ machines! Give a momma a break!! Oy!
I hate that there are slot machines everywhere in that stupid airport! That would be so hard, where are you supposed to stand or walk for that matter?