I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around this baby being 11 months. He was just born yesterday, right?!
Sleeping. Pretty decent. He was sleeping great through the night before another teething bout, but he’s just waking up once around 5am. And its because he’s wet. The poor kid leaks through his diaper every.single.night. No matter what kind of diaper I use. So, I have a routine that includes changing baby, changing sheets, bouncing and shushing back to sleep all at 5am. It’s not that bad, though…I’ve got it down to a science now.
Eating. Everything still. He started meats and he loves those, too. Only wants to self feed and snatch foods off his brother’s plate. Which I completely allow.
Moving. He is standing up! Just for short periods and I think he thinks it’s funny to fall into my arms. He is totally cruising around the coffee table, couches and any other semi-sturdy surface.
Talking. In addition to my favorite, “NO”, he has added “juice” and “yes” this month. He sings in his own little baby language and could go on singing to himself for a good 10 minutes. I seriously need to record it. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
I’m one proud Mama and couldn’t have been blessed with a sweeter, more snuggly babe. He’s amazing!
Some of you have asked about the monthly fabric photo and how I go about it. Thought I could give you a little behind the scenes. It’s harder than it looks now.
First, Callan only wants to look out the window. And beat on it, of course.
We usually do the lay on the floor with Mommy standing over you making ridiculous faces and singing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song. Clearly (errr, not) that isn’t working for us anymore.
So, I tried standing. But he only wanted to turn around and beat the wall.
And when I finally got him to face forward, the fabric was all wonky and he was flailing his arms with excitement.
So, we went with sitting. And playing with a roll of painters tape. And it kinda worked.
Don’t forget about mine and Callan’s Celebrate the 1 Birthday Giveaway event, November 1-11! Contact me [email protected] if you are interested in hosting a giveaway!
Love, love, love the behind the scenes!
omg i die! he is gorgeous! and that first picture is my FAVORITE!
Love the Jets background!
I love this! I have been doing weekly photos with my little girl and it is getting tougher and tougher to get the photos. I also adore the behind the scenes photos, I feel what you go through to capture these adorable shots!
Aww, so cute! Your little boy is the same age as mine! 🙂
LOVE the fabric this month – obviously!! :o)
How stinking cute is your little man. Love your behind the scenes photos. Think it happens to every mom trying to take pics. Looking forward to the 12 month/ ONE YEAR photos.
Super cute pictures! He is such a handsome little man! I can't believe he is almost one! Geez time flies!
new follower here! you blog is so cute and so are your boys! my son is only 4 months as of yesterday and I cant wait to have him start playing like your youngest is!
the sweet life of a southern wife
We had the same problem with diapers leaking and a friend suggested huggies night time diapers a size bigger than I used during the day. It solved the leaking problem and early morning wake up.
We had the same problem with diapers leaking and a friend suggested huggies night time diapers a size bigger than I used during the day. It solved the leaking problem and early morning wake up.
We had the same problem with diapers leaking and a friend suggested huggies night time diapers a size bigger than I used during the day. It solved the leaking problem and early morning wake up.
What a cutie!!! I could just scoop him up and eat him (not creepy, right?!) I'm new to your blog and definitely approve of the Jets fabric! I'm a floridian by way of new york and DC, so I love my jets!
Wow, 11 months!!! I love the first picture SO much. What a big guy!
I stole your idea for my little brother's monthly pictures and my step-mom fell in LOVE!! I have to give you kudos for doing such a great job. I never realized how hard they were until I tried to do my own!!!