You could say I got over the moon a wee bit excited that there would be a show out of the story Guess How Much I Love You? It’s my fave book ever. The commercials for the new Disney Jr. have been all over for the past month and my 3 year old’s instant love of Doc McStuffins is undeniable.
Since Friday, I have been looking for the new channel and couldn’t find it. I googled to find out where it is on DirecTV only to find out they don’t have it yet. Fine. I’m not about to start complaining about it. We have a 4 hour block of shows in the morning that I can record. They’ll have it eventually and we can watch an episode of Guess How Much I Love You? online sometime.
What I did find, though, pissed me off.
These were some of the endless comments from people judging Disney for creating this channel. Judging Moms for wanting this channel. People mad that Disney Jr will eventually replace SoapNet.
Terrific. Once again ABC is kicking soap fans in the teeth while the tv can act as babysitter for toddlers. Shaking my head.
This is wrong on so many levels, where does one begin? One more reason for me to boycott Disney.
More lies from Disney, They just want to slap soap fans in the face one more time. Kids need to be outside playing and not watching TV getting fat and lazy. Shame on Disney. But I would expect nothing less.
Disney wants your toddler’s brains and your wallet. That’s all this is.
Now, I know there are parents who let their kids watch too much TV.
This channel isn’t changing them or anyone else.
Just because a channel is 24 hours a day doesn’t mean kids will watch it for 24 hours. I don’t need TV for the 4 hour window in the morning. That’s when we go out and play. I need it at 5pm when I am trying to cook dinner with a baby on my hip and a toddler pulling on my pants leg. I don’t let my 3 year old watch most channels at that time. Why? Because I’m a responsible parent who monitors what goes on with the TV and the kids shows at that time aren’t age appropriate.
I need it a 3am when my child can’t sleep because he doesn’t feel good and needs a distraction. Lord knows there is nothing but things I’ve recorded to watch then. What about when you have multiple days of miserable rain in a row (hello east coast) and you are slap out of inside activities?
My 3 year responds so well to doing things I ask in “3 special steps” just like Special Agent Oso. He also has learned letter sounds, counting and math skills from TV. These shows were created by teachers and people that know how kids learn. Ways I don’t know how to teach him.
Besides, I think I’m more concerned about the people who are watching the Soap Network all day getting fat and lazy than the 2-5 year olds.
Preach!! Seriously. My 2 year old knew his letters when he was 21 months old. I'd hold up a letter, and he would tell me what it was. At 2 years, he knew what sounds the letters make. He learned this from TV. Horrible right? I really don't think he would learn as well from me as he would Super Why. It's not like I let him watch Spongebob all day long. There is educational TV for a reason.
Ummm yeah, I think that the fat and lazy comment woman should post her weight because I'm pretty sure she isn't the specimen of good health. Seriously. I NEVER watch tv during the day. I'm not downing people who do but get a life… Let the kiddos enjoy it while they can.
Yup! My 4 year old is only allowed to watch PBS kids, Nick Jr & Disney Jr so I am happy for this as well. What to adults learn form Soaps??? Trash! What do kid learn form educational tv? Lots and lots!
My thoughts too. Feel like I could have written this!
Seriously? The comments pissed me off too. Soaps? They are the ones laying around FAT & LAZY watching those darn things. Blech. I can't wait for Disney to be back on the house again.. my kids are getting too grown..
I totally agree with you! I like that it is on 24 hours a day so that when we are watching TV they have the option of watching Disney Jr. We usually watch BabyFirst but this will give them another option. Mothers can be so judgemental and I don't understand. We are all in the same boat here!
Keep on keeping on!!! You hit the nail on the head with this one!! I too have Directv and am waiting for them to add it. Moms that are THAT judgemental obviously are not very happy in their own life.
Preach on, Molly! We love Disney Jr., Nick Jr.,& PBS. As an educator, I feel these shows do have educational value. My girls love them and they are learning while having fun and I get to shower and cook dinner. It's a win-win situation in my book. These women who laze about watching soap operas must not have a real life or they wouldn't get so bent out of shape that they don't get to watch someone else's fake life on t.v.
Hahaha! I am not a soap opera person and I've never had a child under the age of 7. But McKayla does watch television and I think there are plenty if good shows/movies out there that educate and teach morals. Preach on, sister!
AMEN!!!! Crazy soap fans worried that daytime TV will be ruined forever with Disney Jr. We have the channel and it has been AMAZING for my kids. A little wind down time before nap, a distraction while I make dinner, and like you said…a late night option (besides freaking Sponge Bob) if the kids are sick or up late. I think it is awesome and it just goes to show that people will find ANYTHING to complain about on the internet 🙂
Love everything about this post!! You go Mama!!
I agree with you Molly. Seriously what is wrong with people? Are soaps that important that people need to bash parents and disney?
Oh Lord. My parents parked me in front of the TV daily to watch Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers growing up. My first words were Big Bird (proud parents I'm sure), I knew how to work the TV and VCR before I could talk fully, and guess what? I graduated from college in 3.5 years and run half marathons for fun now, so I am neither dumb nor lazy. Those people need to suck it up and get over their loss of Soap Net.
I don't have kids so I had to chime in with the only other experience I have on this subject. 🙂
I agree with the moms my daughter loves Disney Jr I was a little upset that they said we would get it and we don't! A 4 hour block is not good enough. Soapnet why do they wanna watched old shows the only new show on there I see is gh and that may be ending soon so if they cancel all the soaps why do u need a channel and the person who asked about a moms weight get over your self have u tried being a stay at home mom I bet not so there for u wouldn't know that the longest a mom gets to sit on her but without having to get up because your child needs you is less then one min. I can't wait till soap net gos away I really want Disney jr
I agree with the moms my daughter loves Disney Jr I was a little upset that they said we would get it and we don't! A 4 hour block is not good enough. Soapnet why do they wanna watched old shows the only new show on there I see is gh and that may be ending soon so if they cancel all the soaps why do u need a channel and the person who asked about a moms weight get over your self have u tried being a stay at home mom I bet not so there for u wouldn't know that the longest a mom gets to sit on her but without having to get up because your child needs you is less then one min. I can't wait till soap net gos away I really want Disney jr
I agree with the moms my daughter loves Disney Jr I was a little upset that they said we would get it and we don't! A 4 hour block is not good enough. Soapnet why do they wanna watched old shows the only new show on there I see is gh and that may be ending soon so if they cancel all the soaps why do u need a channel and the person who asked about a moms weight get over your self have u tried being a stay at home mom I bet not so there for u wouldn't know that the longest a mom gets to sit on her but without having to get up because your child needs you is less then one min. I can't wait till soap net gos away I really want Disney jr
You tell em girlfriend!
My daughter can count in Spanish and that doesn't have as much to do with Hubs and I, but more her favorite buddy and show, Dora!
There are so many valuable lessons on some of these shows, but as you said as a parent we must monitor what they watch.
And soaps. Blah….. At least watch something with value.
By age two our little guy could tell you most of the Dinosaurs name (thank you Dino Dan) and learn a lot of things I didn't know how to. I would not be able to make dinner if it wasnt for Nick Jr, and just last week he woke up vomiting and having night terrors and the only way he calm down was thanks to Nick Jr.
Shaking my head at the lazy women that want to watch Soaps ALL DAY!
Tell em all about it!
I agree, there is nothing wrong with 24/7 tv for kids, its the parents that need to take control like you do!
The end line was so perfect!! and exactly what I was thinking.
I have to post, from the other side, but with some reason… As compared to the lunacy in the posts you chose as examples. I have no children in my home but I have young nephews, I understand where you're coming from. But I can count seven children's channels already on my programming lineup, three of which are 24-hour children's programming. There is only one soap opera network and as soaps are being cancelled from network television, Soapnet is the only outlet for fans of the genre. I would prefer to watch a soap that has entertained me since I was 5 years old than most of the trash, as one poster kindly put it, that can be viewed on network television. So the main issue is replacing a one-of-a-kind channel with another in a sea of many.