My boys don’t like much more than an impromptu declaration that they get to stay up late, watch a movie and have popcorn. We get into jammies and pull out the air popper, which makes for a better experience than the movie theater (well, at least a much cleaner experience.).
Last week, we got to screen The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, the soon to be released special edition from Disney. It will be available August 27th, for the first time on Blu-ray Combo Pack and HD Digital!
My boys know who Winnie the Pooh is, but not like I did as a child. Cooper, at about age 2, snuck into some woman’s room at my husband’s grandfather’s assisted living home and took a stuffed Winnie the Pooh. The lady said he could have it and, to this day, it is in his little collection of stuffed lovies.
The Hundred Acre woods brings me right back to childhood, to fond memories of friendship and adventure. I know I grew up thinking Winnie the Pooh was the most loving and compassionate friend there was. I never did understand why Eeyore was always so gloomy. Why did all of his friends want to hang out with him and try to help him when he acted like that? What I realize now, is that Eeyore is a bit of a life lesson. There are always people who have had a few hard knocks, who are having a hard time getting out of a rut. The beauty of a true friendship is that it lasts through the good and the bad times.
I remember the friends I had when I was young. I remember the best friend necklaces, the sleepovers and the need to hang out constantly. I remember trusting someone outside my family. Telling secrets. Making promises. Memories that last forever and making friendships that I still have, even to this day.
At the age of 5, I’m already seeing the friendships that Cooper has. There are certain kids he asks to hang out with and it’s obvious that even at a young age, he is seeing the value in a good friend. Having moved all over the country, I find it so important to value the friendships I have and to work to keep them strong. I hope to be able to teach the same things to my children!
Winnie the Pooh is such a great example of that true, faithful friend. My boys enjoyed watching the movie and I’m sure it will be a regular around here. Grab the movie before school starts this year and help your kids learn the meaning of a great friendship while also experiencing the adventure and imagination of the Hundred Acre woods!
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It is important to learn necessary skills for a happy and rewarding life.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
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jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Audrey absolutely LOVES Winnie The Pooh! Ever since she was an infant, anything to do with Pooh has been her favorite. Her first birthday was even Pooh themed!
Thanks for the chance to win!!:)
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills and enjoy the fun of being a kid.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
It's important to have friends and have fun to be happy and sociable
[email protected]
[email protected]
Imagination, friendships, and a sense of adventure can open up the whole world to children. I try to nurture them and allow them to follow the beat of their own drums.
I think it is important for kids and adults to have fun meaningful relationships and for adults to model that behavior for the kids
its important for kids to imagine and grow and be able to dream about their future:)
[email protected]
[email protected]
I think its very important. It helps them grow and develop a personality and great social skills as well.
[email protected]
tweet. [email protected]
friendship, imagination and adventure are important because you need to escape and explore in your mind it helps you grow and be creative and it makes life that more interesting and everything is better with a friend
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
It’s important for kids because it helps to develop their social skills.
[email protected]
It important because my children learn so much by playing together and with other kids, as well as by using their imaginations. This prepares them to be productive and happy adults.
They are all character building traits and therefore very important.
There is nothing more important than friendships and bonds while growing up and as an adult
[email protected]
I think it will prepare my kids for adulthood.
I feel that the importance of friendship, imagination and adventure in my kids lifes help them to develope socially and emotionally.
Thanks so much.
These things are all important in my children's live, because it gives them confidence, fun and helps them develop and learn about the world.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Adventure brings new experiences and learning to children.
I think it’s very important, when your young, friendships come and go, if your lucky, you’ll still have a few of those connections as lifelong friends!!! Life without adventure would almost have no meaning, especially for a child!
rjwashington2000 at yahoo dot com
rjwashington2000 at yahoo dot com
Kids need to experience all this to grow and become who they will be. It also helps with social skills, independence, and confidence.
They need to constantly grow but have a feeling of safety and nurturing to take them forward as human beings
Imagination is important for creativity and growing through adventures, which
plays into their imagination.
Friendships and building relationships is a
necessary skill for all ages
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
s2s2 at Comcast dot net
Friendship, imagination and adventure are impoart for my kids because they make life richer and happier.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
It is important to learn necessary skills for a happy and rewarding life.
These three things are what help my children to grown into emotional healthy adults.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
encouraging imagination builds problem solving skills for the future
Those three things are how children develop into emotional stable adults 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail dot com
friendships are important for children bc it develops relationships outside the family for a child
tiffany lane
[email protected]
Friendship, imagination and adventure in your child’s life is important because it molds them to become who they are and teaches them love and acceptance.
I do not have kids but friendship is very important. When I was a kid I was always with my friends, and I had a big imagination!
I think imagination is incredibly important and do whatever I can to encourage imagination through playtime.
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Imagination is so important to encourage it helps a child grow and be creative. I really think it helps them believe they can do anything. My kids and I have tea partys, and such are favorite is pretending to be a vet.
Friendship, Imagination and Adventure help a child develop, grow, have a purpose in life and want to move forward.
Friendship and imagination play critical roles in making loving humans, as evidenced by my 27 year old's nickname is still Tigger, my other son Piglet and me mom-I'm Winnie.
Diane Baum
[email protected]
they are important because it allows them to discover who they are, which is needed when they get older. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
I love that my daughter has stayed friends with her buddies from daycare throughout the year, even when they went on to different schools. They've maintained a wonderful bond.
I think they all build character and help the kids live healthy active social lives.
Brittney House [email protected]
Adventure allows a child to use their imagination to share ideas with their friends.
Friendship, adventure, and imagination are all important aspects in a children's life. They grow emotionally and mentally and it let's them be who they are and discover themselves. It gives them skills they will need in their adult lives. I love sitting and just watching my kids use their imaginations!
brat52101 at yahoo dot com
by reading out loud and spending time creating from nothing I can help my children open their mind star95011atyahoodotcom
It will help enrich his life and make him a better & more well rounded person.
Our middle daughter personifies friendship, imagination and adventure. She sees the good in almost everyone and is an artist.
ky2here at msn dot com
ky2here at msn dot com
It is so important for kids to have an imagination. As my kids grow I see how their imagination grows too! I encourage their creativity and socializing with similar friends!
Friendship, imagination and adventure provide the good memories that serve as a basis for lifelong creativity and optimism!
Friendship is very improtant in any childs life, i try to get my son to build as many friendships early in life as possible to help teach him how to share and give him a sense of loyalty. Adventure and imagination are also soo so important to my young son, these charactoristics play big roles in anything a child does and wants to grow up to be, imagination allows him to pretend to be anything he wants and adventure lets him think of things he can do that help him imagine what he wants to be. Yamaharider422 at excite dot com
I want my daughter to find happiness and with that she will need to make many friends. Her imagination is important so she can dream big.
chasingbaby at gmail dot com
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills
Friendship, imagination and adventure are so vital to children growing into productive, well adjusted and happy adults.
[email protected]
I truly believe that friendship, imagination and adventure are of the utmost importance in our child's life. They help with growth and maturity and help keep life fun and exciting.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Friendships are the foundation for the future. A good friendship has adventure and imagination built in while kids are having fun growing up.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Tweet –
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Friendship, imagination and adventure are some of the most important aspects of my sons' lives. We try to incorporate them into our everyday life because they not only mean developing creative and social skills, but enjoying their childhood years (which go by way too fast)
[email protected]
The little one already has quite the vivid imagination!
[email protected]
Friendship, imagination and adventure are all important for kids (and adults, too) We take a daily hike around the lake and see what adventures we can have.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
slehan at juno dot com
Friendship, imagination and adventure are the three best things when you’re a child. Friendship for when you’re feeling lonely. Imagination for when you’re feeling bored. Adventure for when you’re feeling a little..well, adventurous! 😉
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
Friendship, imagination, and wonderful adventures can provide an enriched childhood.
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
friendship, creativity, problem solving
Friendship, the art of making friends, is something that everyone should learn. Children need friends outside of the family to interact with. Tales like Winnie the Pooh are all about friendship and absolutely stimulate the imagination as they go on adventures.
tjandbcd at optonline dot net
tjandbcd at optonline dot net
Studies have shown that the more imaginative children are the better they will be at coping and problem solving as they get older 🙂
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