Since finding out baby #3 is another boy, I’ve gotten so many sympathetic responses from people. People wondering if we’re going to try again for a girl. The answer to that question is absolutely NO. We didn’t want #3 only if it was a girl and if, heaven help me, we decided to have a 4th, it wouldn’t be to get a baby to wrap in frilly lace and bows. It would be because of that deep need to bring life into the world that I got about a year ago.
Dangerous. Someone is always sporting some sort of injury. (And if they’re my kids, they take selfies on your phone to document.) I was always wondering if the church nursery would question the massive amount of bruises on my boys legs, but then I looked around the room to see they’re on all the boys. They have wrestling matches on the couch, jump down the stairs and “fly” off the swing set. I’ve worn my voice out asking them to be careful. It’s not going to happen.
Sporty. I never knew just how much time a season of sports would eat up. We have 2-3 practices a week and 1-2 games a week with baseball this year. I feel like I live at the ball field and have some pretty sweet tank top tan lines to prove it.
Food Filled. Boys eat. And eat. And eat. My grocery budget is already way more than I ever thought someone could spend on food and I know it’s only going up as they grow. I don’t know where it all goes, but they eat far more than I do…and I’m pregnant.
Loved. Y’all. Boys love their mommas. I get so many sweet hugs and random kisses from my filthy little men. They are rough and tumble, but are always happy to run to me for comfort. I always get the flower they pick out of the field and the first hug after school. I’m the one they come to when they need something. It’s a special relationship, moms and their boys. I know it’s not always going to be exactly like this, but I’ll always be their first love. The first woman in their life. Hopefully, an example of what they want in a wife someday.
My heart couldn’t be more proud. Being a boy mom is never something I expected and now something I can’t imagine not being.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms, but especially the ones that chant “let go of your penis” all day long.
Your post made me miss my boys, I have 2 (a 24yr old and a 21yr old) the 21 year old has a twin sister 🙂 I lived at the baseball field, I was team mom, then was talked into being a part of the Little League board which I did for 10 years, also ran the little league snack shack which required shopping and working at it, I spent about 16 hours a week in the snack shack alone, which didn't include 2 boys games and practices each week. We didn't have time to think, but I miss those days 😉 cherish it, you are a great mom.
Wow, that's impressive! We are crazy now, but I know for sure I'll miss it. I'm trying to cherish it all. Thank you!
Boy moms unite! <3
This post was awesome. My Mom raised two boys 1 yr and 9 days apart before having me 16 years later. She always said that the boys were WAY Easier than me and I believe her LOL. Boys are trully the best. Happy Mothers day to you!
Awww! What a sweet post! I have the exact opposite, two girls and always get will you try for a boy! Funny how the world works! I am so curious on family dynamics and you came from a largish family, I think. Will 3 be the number? Or will you think maybe your house isn't loud enough and you need a 4th?
I just had my first baby, a sweet little boy and this post definitely speaks to my heart! 🙂 I am pretty girly and always envisioned my life with girls for some reason… but I have LOVED being a boy mom so far, I'm truly learning to embrace it. 🙂
This post was so sweet and funny! I have 3 girls, so I can't even imagine what it would be like with a boy (and don't plan to, b/c I don't plan to have anymore kiddos). Your boys are precious and you seem like a good fun mommy!