What do you get when you mix a Momma that rarely takes medicine with prescription ibuprofen, percocet and muscle relaxants?
One freakin hot mess, I tell ya.
We went to New York over the weekend to see hubs family and let his grandpa meet Callan. I woke up in the middle of our last night and my lower back went into full blown spasms. Apparently, I slept wrong or the mattress wasn’t firm enough, but whatever it was wreaked some serious havoc on me.
I hobbled around rest areas, bent in half and looking like a 90 year old who had the best botox in all of life, but we made it home. And the pain came with me.
I do pain pretty well, I think, but this time was just too much. I figured since I could barely walk and I couldn’t stand up straight, I really needed to go to the Doctor. She gave me prescriptions that I’m sure would make a druggie woozy. Told me to take it as prescribed or else and to not lift anything. (Oh, because that’s easy with a 12 week old) She then told the hubs, “be careful, she’s going to be loopy.”
And, loopy I am.
So while I lay here moderately numb, surrounded by chocolate, salty snacks and prescription bottles, y’all say a prayer for the hubs. Pretty sure if he had any desire to be a stay at home Dad, its gone. Forever.
Haha feel better! With my spinal fusion I was on every type of pain killer and muscle relaxer out there. A month later I'm still on 1-2 percs a day & can't even tell I'm on it – no bueno! Back pain is the worst and I hope you get better soon…careful lifting Callan!
So sorry! Wish I was there to help. Take care of yourself!
Oh Molly, hang in there! I am so sorry. Are you going back to the dr? What did she say the deal is? Hopefully temporary?
I wish I could help you. I'd take Cooper off your hands so it's just you and Billy and Callan. Are you nursing through this?
Thoughts and prayers…
Poor thing! I had that same thing recently and it is not fun AT ALL. Try using a heating pad…that worked for me. Hopefully you'll get used to the drugs. LOL. New to blogging worls and love you space. 😉
Dont you just love when doctors tell you that you cant lift anything with an infant? Had the same experience. Hope you're feeling better soon.
feel better. I am the same way, any prescribe pain killer drives me nutty.
Enjoy the ride my friend!!!! 🙂
Very funny. I am the same way. I hate taking anything that alters how I feel, but if I have too, I actually really enjoy it. 😉
I hope you'll feel better soon!
Hope you make a quick recovery! My son is 2 weeks younger than Callan (loved reading your pregnancy updates while I was experiencing the same things at the same time, BTW!) – I can't imagine caring for him while in that kind of pain, let alone two kids! Sending well wishes your way.
I'm just getting started in the world of blogging – your blog has been my #1 favorite for years!! (I feel like I'm commenting on a celebrity's blog right now… oh geez, what a nerd…) – nothing is better than when I see a new post from you in my Reader account!
Oh no, I hope you're feeling better!