SITS Spring Fling Giveaway Winner! Now everyone will know you lucky, lucky winner, that you indeed want a Snuggie! I used this random number generator to pick a winner out of the 126 entries I got. I can't believe that many people entered and checked out my tiny little blog. How sweet. A big thanks to all my new followers! When I settled down (in ... View the Post
My first giveaway!
SITS Spring Fling Giveaway! I am joining in on SITS Spring Fling Giveaway! If you have never visited The Secret is in the Sauce...go there. Now. No wait. After you finish this blog. It is a great place to meet bloggy friends! This is my first giveaway and I am so excited! I decided that I needed to give away something that I have blogged ... View the Post
Sister, Sister never knew how much I missed ya!
You remember that show? Tia and Tamara? Oh, yeah! Well, that isn't what I am writing about. It is because my sister is coming for a visit tomorrow and I am so excited! My big sis, Casey is pregnant with her third baby AND third boy. She is coming from Georgia to get over the shock and dismay that she is not popping out a baby wearing a pink ... View the Post
Yay for a working blog!
As you know by now, I have moved. The old blog was like living in a beautiful house with no bed. You can make it work, but not so much fun, and you wake up every morning with pain in the back. I wasted so much freakin time trying to make it work and honestly, I am just ready to sit down and watch 3 hours of The Bachelor. Here I go!Thanks for ... View the Post
The niche…finally!
Ever since I got my new laptop last fall, it has been residing on the dining room table and all my papers and planner and junk has been sitting around it driving me crazy. I would scoop it all up and put it away any time people came over. (No way could I let people think I had anything but a spotless house! snicker.) I wanted to make room somewhere ... View the Post
Your Assignment…should you choose to accept.
Today I choose to accept Mama Kat's Writing Workshop assignment.Directions: For you newbies it's never to late to jump in!! Here is what you must do. Choose a prompt that inspires you most. Write. Come back Thursday and paste your blog URL into the Mister Linky that will be up...this way anyone can click on your name and head over to your place to ... View the Post