5 Minutes for Mom is hosting the Ultimate Blog Party 2010!
This is a virtual party celebrating online friendships. I don’t know about you, but I consider many of my “blog friends” some of my closest. Here is your chance to meet fabulous bloggers and win amazing prizes!
For all you visiting, let me introduce myself. I’m Molly. I’m 25, married for 4 1/2 years and have one little guy who will be 2 on April 27. I was born in Georgia. Moved to New York with the hubs. His job moved us to California, where we lived for 3 years, and had our son, Cooper. Last month, his job transferred us to the DC area. I live in a hotel. What?? Yes, I’m totally serious. We’re looking for a house, but good gravy, thats harder than I thought it would be. I LOVE fashion. Shopping and being a little crafty are fun, too. I’m cheap. I love deals. I was a pediatric nurse before I was a mommy, and one day, I’ll go back to it. But right now, I’m a mommy. And I’m loving it.
If you want to play along, go check out the party site at 5 Minutes for Mom. Link up your site on the MckLinky. Create a post about the party and include your fav prizes. Go meet new bloggers!
My top picks for prizes are:
1. Target gift cards, USC #32, USC #15, USC #3, #107, #32
2. #40 – 3 day 2 night stay at Holiday Inn Main Gate – Disney World
3. #20 – $50 in Jewelery from Cookie Lee
Other ones that would be awesome, too, are:
#36, USC #60, #1, #39, #104, USC #8, USC #35
Or so many other gift cards out there!
See you at the party!
cool!!!! its a bloggers block party 🙂
Stilettos and diapers…love it! Your Etsy store looks awesome!
Visiting from the Blog Party…I seem to have forgotten what a stiletto is. LOL! I need more shoes.
Stopping by from UBP. Love love love your blog. Very cool.
Come on over to my blog's party to party like its 1999 – don't forget your Christian Louboutins. lol.
Here is my link –
Just stopping by from the UBP at Five Minutes for Mom. I love your site and am subscribing to your RSS feed. I would appreciate it if you visited my blog and did the same! I'm looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better.
The Healthy Moms
Shout-out to you Molly on my blog for letting me know about the Ultimate Blog Party!! Thank you ♥
I'm with you on being cheap and looking for deals. I'm always amazed at what I can discover!
Love your blog title!
Stopping by from UBP, LOVE your blog and your Fashion Friday was SO funny!
Party time!
I wasn't cheap until I had a kid- lol.
you know whats super dangerous for cheap fashion? ebay.
Stopping by from the UBP to say hey!
Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance http://stopdropandrelax.com/blog/ And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit out store at http://www.StopDropandRelax.com and Prepare To Be Pampered.
I didn't know there was a Ross in DC!!! I LOVE Ross. We didn't have them in the midwest and then I moved to Texas and it was love at first sight. =) Although I was calling it "Ross Dress for Less" for a whole year before I realized it was just "Ross" and the subtitle was "Dress for Less". Ha ha how embarressing!
Cute blog!
Checking out your blog from the party! Love those shoes you wore in your other post… just made me want to buy shoes!
Wow, what a great site. Your baby is adorable and what a beautiful Mommy you are!
What a fun blog! I'm visiting from the UBP! I LOVE your cheap, er frugal, Easter outfit pic… super cute! 🙂 I think you have a new stalker, er I mean follower, lol! Happy blog hopping!!
Love your blog name! So cute.
Come on by and enter my $50 Amazon Gift card giveaway when you have a chance.
Your blog is awesome, so happy to have found you. I am now following you. Visiting from the UBP! Fun site!
fun to find you at the party! I too am a sahm. And, most of the time love it! Sound like craziness living in a hotel…Ekkkk.
So I'm blog hoping through the party right, and I saw your blog title… Loved it! 🙂
Visited your page, loved it even more…
Then realized our little boys have the same birthdays, only mine is going to be 1 on April 27! So glad I stopped by…
ohhh yea, and I have lived in a hotel before too so I can relate. Bet you are super excited to be in your new house soon! Nice 'meeting' you & hope you can stop by for a visit soon!
What a cute blog! Love the name. Can't wait to see more. We are going to subscribe to your RSS feed.
Joelle & Barbie
Sugar & Spice and Frugal Advice
Fun! My name is Lana…and I'm friends with Dana. That rhymes by the way!
She told me about your blog then I saw you on the party roll.
Blessings to you,
Stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you. Love your blog.