I am full certain that the world as we know it is being taken over. Not by Obama as many may believe. No, he pales in comparison to these buggers. We are loosing it to these guys.

Those would be LOVE BUGS covering the ground of a bus stop in Disney World.
One warning I found online states that car’s windshields become covered with the fatty remains that can become thick enough to obscure vision. Um, gross? They can ruin your paint, clog your radiator and make you overheat. Lovely, huh?
Now some of you may not be familiar with these guys. They are in the southeast, and urban legend says that the bugs are synthetic, and come from a genetics experiment gone wrong at the University of Florida. What were you idiots thinking? They fly around in pairs. Yep, HAVING SEX in the air. After that happens, they female only lives 3-4 days, and then those horny men get to go get another lady. Yep, this definitely sounds synthetic and non-natural.
Here’s what I am scared of. They are everywhere. They are thick when you walk outside and you have to swat them away. What if they overtake us? What if I have to fly around with a man hanging out of my vajayjay? PAIN! What if I get smashed onto a windshield for my fatty remains to obscure some person’s vision. I guess it wouldn’t matter because I would DIE within 3-4 days anyway.
Universal Health care can wait, people. This is the real problem.

Photo credit here
That is so nasty! I'm sorry you are being over run by porno bugs!
SICK!!!! I have the creeps and I am four states away. Blahhh… Oh, and love bug or not, I would not be flying around with a man hanging out of my hoo-ha 🙂
That makes my skin crawl.
"fly around with a man hanging out of my vajayjay…" ahahaha, too funny! These little things are so gross! P.S. What did you think of the More to Love finale?!
Ummm, gross!! Bleh!
ewww! that is so gross! 🙁 I didn't realize they had those.
That's Florida for you!
Gross! I definitely remember love bugs, but I guess I never really thought about WHY they were attached together. 🙂 Glad we don't have them in Michigan!
Um, this is truly disgusting. Thanks for sharing – LOL!
OMG, that is just gross. Gross, gross, gross.
Disgusting. So glad they aren't here. How do you explain that one to your kids??!?!
That is gross.
Seriously….thank you for those awesome images 🙂
I have never heard of that kind of 'love bug'….
gives the saying a whole new image in my mind now!
Never seen those little buggers whenever I've been to Florida… And I'm hoping to keep it that way!
Ohmygoodness!!! That is so icky! I wouldn't even want to go outside!
P.S. I would totally recommend the shred! I'm liking it a lot this time around 😉 & I have heard so many success stories lately. Its inspiring. My bestie is doing it too, we encourage each other 🙂
is this for real? ew! it makes my skin itch like crazy.
Wow that is so gross!!! I've never heard of those bugs before. Fatty remains???? Ew!!!! 🙂 🙂
Ewwww! Remind me to wear a full body lab suit when visiting Disney World. Gross!!
You know what's funny? I'm literally just mere miles from UF, and I have yet to see that many lovebugs here in Gainesville…but in Orlando? GROSS!! It's always been like that for some reason down there.
And "What if I have to fly around with a man hanging out of my vajayjay?" CLASSIC!!!!