You remember that show? Tia and Tamara? Oh, yeah! Well, that isn’t what I am writing about. It is because my sister is coming for a visit tomorrow and I am so excited! My big sis, Casey is pregnant with her third baby AND third boy. She is coming from Georgia to get over the shock and dismay that she is not popping out a baby wearing a pink tutu.
Speaking of name calling, Casey decided to call Cooper Coopie (you know, like poopie?) the whole time I was pregnant and for a couple months after he was born. I retaliated and called her Auntie *unmentionable* for a while. Ok, sometimes I still do. Don’t judge. You want your kids name to sound like poop?

About a 3 year old picture, but my favorite of us.
Casey and her boys
Adorable nephews!
Hi Molly, I’m still finding it a challenge to leave a comment! This is my third try! I enjoy reading your blog. Just wish I could let you know that! Blessings to Casey and her third boy! In this “male-bashing” world, raising boys is a sacred calling. Great writing, girl. Blessings, Grace