Hey mommas. Summer is here! I know for me, it always starts off with such excitement to sleep in. To have my babies home. To go where and when we want. Then about a week into summer break, I’m grey from all the fight breaking-up-ing and I feel guilty about doing anything on my own.
NEWS FLASH. We don’t have to entertain our kids all summer. Sure, I want to make memories and say yes as much as possible. But I also am the only person that can give my kids a happy mother who loves life. You know what that means? I need time for myself. Not a ton and not all day. I’m ever grateful to be able to be home with my babies, but as you stay at home moms know, it can be a lot. As a mom who also works from home, it’s darn near impossible to even think about what I’m trying to do with so many little voices around me. I know for my sanity and the atmosphere of our home, I needed to come up with a plan. Otherwise, I’m scruuued, y’all.
Here is my plan of attack for not just surviving summer as a mom, but loving nearly every minute of it.
Time Blocking
This is a skill that I I’ve read so much about, but have never been consistent with it. This summer, I’m going to designate a set time to get my work done in. That will give me a limit as well as letting the boys know how long I have left. I’m much more productive when I have a set time and minimal interruptions. I usually do any work that requires thinking during nap time, so that will probably be my time to let the boys use their electronics or play outside. I’m hoping this becomes a good routine and helps me to be less distracted during time with the boys.
Working Out Consistently
I don’t know what works for you, but the early workouts are the ones I get the most out of, make me feel the best and are the only guaranteed ones. If I decide to wait, it just often doesn’t happen. I’m planning to stick to my early gym routine twice a week and my 8am class once a week. Then I will workout at home the rest of the week, probably early as well. My mood is better, I have more energy and I don’t feel as bad sipping on a summertime cocktail when I’ve put in my work.
Meal Planning
I do love meal planning and it really helps keep me sane. There are times that I won’t plan, as we’re traveling quite a bit this summer, but I love when I don’t have to waste time trying to figure out a meal to cook.
Girls Time
I’m lucky to have a great neighborhood full of mommas and little ones. We see each other a lot at the pool, playground and for playdates. But it’s different when you can get together with no distractions and chat while sipping coffee or wine. When you’re with other women who know exactly the place you are in life, it’s a very comforting feeling.
Date Night
During the school year, The Hubs and I get to sneak away here and there for lunch dates, nap time workouts or just have time where we both have a little free time to spend together. Not with 3 kids at home, though! It’s even more important in the summer to be consistent with our 1-2 time a month date night. I never want to look back on life and wonder where we grew apart while we were so busy raising babies.
Stop the Mom Guilt
If you feel guilty about taking time for yourself, I think it just means you care. But it isn’t healthy to let that take over you. I remember years ago, The Hubs did a presentation for work that used studies proving that people are more productive and better workers after a vacation. When you think about your “work” as a mom, you don’t get much of a break. Even on vacation. So it’s so important that we take time to keep ourselves healthy mentally with guilt free breaks.
Your little ones are depending on you, so make sure you’re the best version of yourself that you can be. If you’re empty and drained, you won’t have anything left for your sweet family! If you’ve been worried about surviving summer as a mom, I hope this post helps you some!
meal planning saves so much time!