I've gotten so many questions about how I stay motivated as well as lot's of appreciation for posting my workouts on Instastories. My hope in posting, is that it helps you stay motivated and from what many of you have told me, that's happening! I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is extremely difficult for me to regulate. I know that I feel ... View the Post
Athletic Wear and Favorite At Home Workouts
This extended time at home is one where it's easy to be a lot more liberal with my eating (whoops) but I find it much easier to stick to my workouts. I like group classes, but I've always been one to love working out at home. I find it easier with the kids anyway and now I'm able to spend the time I would normally spend getting people ready for ... View the Post
At Home Upper Body and Cardio Workout
Welcome to another week of January Whole30! Doing this along with Heather at My Life Well Loved (my workout partner for this post!), Jessica at Happily Hughes, and Lindsey at Life Lutzurious has made it so much easier to stay motivated! Make sure you join our Whole30 Facebook Group HERE and tag us in all your Whole30 posts on social media! Shop ... View the Post