Pink is a color that is somewhere in every day of my life. My blog, business and wardrobe are all scattered with touches of pink. Being the only girl in the family, if it’s pink, it’s mine and all the boys know it.
The first thing that comes to mind, if I were to take a second to think about the color, is breast cancer. Thanks to the Susan G Koman Foundation and all the hard work they’ve done, pink is known as a color of a fighter.
Breast cancer is something that isn’t far from my mind. My mom’s mother had breast cancer and is a survivor. {This is her with my mom and I just this past Christmas.}
- You should have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years starting at age 20 and every year starting at age 40.
- Warning signs are not the same for all women. If you see any changes in your breast, talk to your doctor.
- 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.
Kohl’s, has worked hard to raise the #TalkPink awareness and will donate $1 million dollars to Susan G. Koman from it! They’ve also given me a $50 gift card to share with one of you readers! Want to see all the pink things I’d buy if I got to win?
Love this, pink has always been my favorite color… I was the youngest of 3 girls and my middle sister is 15 months older so we had a lot of blue for her stuff and pink for mine.. When Millie came along, I knew pink would be her favorite color, just like her Momma 😉
oh man. i NEEEEED that weekender bag!
and how cute is your grammy! so happy she's a survivor.
cancer sucks :(( sorry it hits close to home in your family too.