Some days being a stay at home mom is hard. Like no one ever told me how exhausted I would be every. single. night.
But some days, are like today.
Your child decides to wake up saying “I love you, mommy“.
People comment everywhere you go on how well behaved he is.
He smiles and waves and holds your hand without fighting when you cross the street.
We spent the morning running errands in the rain with our galoshes.
We spent the afternoon watching a movie and snuggling while eating popcorn.

{You’ve got a smile that takes me to another planet}

I think God gives days like this to make me remember how incredibly blessed I am. To make me slow down and take more time to enjoy my days with my little man.
To smile, hug and kiss more.
{Fell in love when I saw you standing there}
To be grateful for my family. For life itself.
There is nothing more important than family!! And making cookies is oh so fun!!
I've always worked full time, but after being laid off I find myself as a SAHM. And boy is this hard! Some days I have to think twice to remember if I showered. Your little man is adorable.
My little guy has those pajamas too – they're my favorite right now. 😀
glad you had a good day with cooper!
What a great day!! Your pics reminded me why I love FALL~
It's a dream for me to think about days like you've just spent with your little man!! True blessing 🙂
awwww He is so cute! I'm glad you had a great day!
awww i miss the days my kids were little and home w/me, especially mylil man… we used thomas the tank engine. enjoy every.single.moment!!!
So adorable– love days like that!!
Love days like that!! Being a SAHM is very hard at times!! Trying to enjoy every moment because soon our little ones won't be little anymore.
Awww so sweet! 🙂
It sounds like a great day! 🙂
Your little guy is so darn cute! I can't wait until I have one of my own! 🙂
Those cookie-making pictures are ADORABLE! What a little sweetie pie!
I've had a few of these days recently. My little has been very kind. Probably because I sleep on his floor for at least a couple hours a night lately. He knows! He BETTER KNOW anyway! Haha. your little is so super cute!
Great reminder. Yes, I too savor those days.
This is so sweet..and I love that family pic of the 3 of you. Cooper is looking so BIG!
This is precious! I love days like that!
Awww the cookie baking is precious!! hahahaha he is looking so grown up now. OMG. your family is adorable!