The mood around here is seriously debby downer. Well, I guess I could say my mood around here. We had a really hard weekend saying goodbye to our house and I’m having a hard time recovering. Our movers were super awesome and actually entertaining to watch. Their little box slide was pretty fun.
But once they were gone and we were left in our empty house, my heart hurt.
I don’t want to live in this apartment. I want my stuff. I want space for the boys to run. I don’t want to have to tell them to be quiet every 2 minutes because I don’t want to piss the neighbors off.
Yesterday, I was talking to our builder for literally 4 minutes. I had shut the door to my room because the boys were making so much noise. I came out to find them outside. I panicked. Once everyone was safely inside, I got mad. Not at them, but because that can’t happen at my house. I have the alarm on and a lock they can’t open.
That talk with the builder was about them not having our countertop or flooring choices available anymore. When we went to pick out alternate selections this morning, I almost cried. The countertop choices were now ugly and uglier.
I did get to bring some more stuff from our house to make it feel comfortable and our movers were kind enough to bring a few more boxes down for us. Except I just realized today that one box didn’t get marked “temporary living”. I’m down a crock pot, measuring cups, cookie sheets, lots more kitchen stuff and our winter coats.
It feels like nothing is going according to my plans and all I want is to be settled. I want to drive by our house today after school pickup and see a finished house. Then move in tomorrow and live happily ever after. But that’s not going to happen.
I know I’m complaining and I have a bad attitude. I understand that I’m blessed and that my problems are very small in comparison to so many others. But that doesn’t change the fact that, whether I want to or not, I’m still struggling.
Molly, I can totally relate and sympathize completely! I wrote a similar post recently. It's true. Our "problems" might seem small or silly compared to others, but it's ok to have these feelings. It's such an unsettling time living in temp housing with small children and without most of your belongings.
We have 2 storage units (in 2 different towns) plus a garage full of boxes…and I honestly don't know what is where. We don't even have fall coats out because I thought for sure we'd be in our permanent home by now, but we are not…and I can't find our coats!
All this to say I totally understand where you're coming from and the feelings of frustration, sadness, being trapped, etc. At least, that's how I feel a lot of the time! If you ever need a vent session please feel free to get in touch!
Praying all the best for you guys during this time of transition!
Thank you, Rachel! You're house is looking gorgeous! It's so frustrating to wait. I hope you get in soon!
It's so hard to be in a temporary situation like that! I hope the time passes quickly until you are in your new home!
I relate 100%! We moved in January for my job and lived in corporate housing for 90 days and it was SO HARD. It will get better! But you have the right to complain! We all do…
Moving is so hard and living in "temporary" anything is challenging! I feel your pain. I've been in that situation a few times myself. You are allowed to complain and miss your home….it's only normal…glad to know you are normal 🙂 I will be praying for your other home to be finished quickly and that God would give you peace and strength in the meantime!
YES, I'm normal! Haha. I just told the hubs last night that I probably don't write about the "normal" enough. It's not all cute clothes and fun with the kids!
I've just recently found your blog and we're in the same situation. We've just recently (July 1) moved. We're in a teensy temporary home and are borrowing furniture because ours is too big to fit. Ha! I want my own stuff and I want it SOON. We are selling our house before we begin looking for a new one so we have no clue how long we're displaced. It's frustrating, isn't it???
My husband and I just made the decision to move across country and sometimes the process is daunting as we have to sell our current house before we even move at all and our house definitely is a house for a particular buyer. Than trying to figure out how not to be displaced between the sell of our house and the buying of our new house and doing it from over 1,000 miles away.
Good luck! That is a big decision! I hope everything works out smoothly for you.
Oh Molly, I know the feeling. Being somewhere where you're not familiar, then having to say goodbye, along with living in a space you don't feel home in is HARD.
I'm so sorry, Molly! I am sure that was really scary finding your boys outside after you got off the phone. If it makes you feel any better, I lost my daughter in the mall when she was 2!! We were inside the Little Gym at the mall, there is a door and everything and while I was talking to a lady to sign her up after the class and I thought she was playing in the little toy area, she slipped out the door and was running around in Macy's before my husband found her. Luckily I found her, but all the what if's went through my mind… sometimes these things happen and it does suck! Try to take a deep breath and realize this transition period before you move into the new house will be over eventually!!!
Molly you have the right to complain. You are moving away from your memories, but just think about the memories you'll make in your new house, YOUR house! Keep your chin up and keep looking forward!
🙁 that sucks! Work out, have some drinks, make new friends and hopefully time will go by faster!
🙁 many of us would be struggling given your position too!
i hope that in no time your house will be finished and you will love it, despite the bumpy road right now. someday, i will be your neighbor and we can laugh about it all over some wine as the boys play!
I can relate to this so much! We sold out house this spring, couldn't find a house we loved, and then decided to build. We needed up moving 3 times. The summer was SO hard in an apartment without our stuff. It was just plain HARD! I really dot have any words of wisdom:) But I will be praying for y'all! I was SO happy when we finally settled in! Now if ai could just finish unpacking:)
Oh my goodness! Thanks for the prayers. Good luck with the unpacking!
I'm pretty new to reading your blog, but I can promise you it gets better. Last year, we put our house on the market the week after Thanksgiving and sold our home before New Years. It was crazy. I love to decorate for the holidays and couldn't because we constantly had a stream of people coming in our door. Not to mention our two babies got super sick – like throwing up, diarrhea, in the hospital sick and they couldn't just be sick in their own beds because we constantly needed to leave our house. It was hard. Sometimes I think it would have been easier moving during that time – at least we could have been in a place that was ours. It was a nightmare. But in the end, we sold our home fast, had an accepted offer just as quick and moved in March. It's hard to see the light or even the blessings we are given sometimes, but that's OK. You'll find them in the end. And what is a blog good for if you can't rant and rave once in a while :). Head up, I promise it gets better.
Glad the boys were okay! I've had the same thing happen to me. You turn around for a minute and they get into something or go somewhere without you that they shouldn't. I'll keep you guys in prayer that everything goes smooth with the building of the new house. I know better than anyone that apartment living isn't exactly ideal for families with young kids.
There's not really much space for them to run around, you're always worried about if the neighbors are going to complain about the noise they make and you can only make it an apartment feel so homey. It's a lot to handle on top of having to say goodbye to home that you all have made so many memories in. Hang in there!
Thanks so much! It's wild over here, but I know it won't be forever. Today brought some new peace to me. All your kind words are so helpful. Thank you!
Molly, I am in a very similar situation to yours and I can totally relate to how you are feeling. We moved from NC to PA (where our family is) about a month ago when my husband got a job. We put our NC house on the market and moved in with my sister and her husband "for a few weeks" until our house sold. Well, its been over two months and still haven't sold our house.
So we are still living with my sis and her hubby. They swear that they are hppy to have us, but they have no kids and we have 2 girls…. an infant and a toddler. Their house is so much more chaotic than it ever was before and I am constantly trying to keep my girls quiet so that my sis can work (She works from home.).
I relate when you say that you feel bad complaining because it could be so much worse, and I know that. Any time I vent about not having our stuff or our own space I feel guilty. And I am constantly reminded of how "lucky" I am to be staying with my sister. While that is true it doesn't change the fact that I am ready to have all of our stuff in one place….OUR place. Right now we have stuff in storage, stuff at my sister's, and stuff in our NC house. I am so tired of knowing that I have something….but knowing that I can't get to it. Sorry for my long vent! Thanks for posting!