I love Valentine’s Day! I’m not entirely sure why, but it’s just such a fun holiday to me. I always love to live it up a bit with my boys and may tend to go a bit overboard? But they love it and so do I! I pulled together some fun Valentine’s Day outfits, most of which are cozy. I also put together so things that will help make your Valentine’s Day with your family an extra bit of fun! We love to do fondue and the kids think it’s the fanciest meal, while to me, it’s really easy!
Valentine’s Day Outfit and Fun Ideas
Velour Heart Set | Wrap Blouse | Sock Set | Heart Shorts Set | Heart Sunglasses | Love Your More Set | Pom Slippers | Red Belted Dress | Criss Cross Slippers | Red Heels | Pink PJ Set | Heart Sweater
Here are the outfits that are my Valentine’s Day potentials. Clearly, I’ll be cozy at home! There is a try on over in Instagram stories of these looks, if you want to see them better!
White Lounge Set | Tie Dye Slippers | Velour Heart Set | Grey Slippers | Pink Sweatpants | Ruffle Shoulder Sweatshirt

Runner | Waffle Maker | LOVE Cookie Cutters | Melamine Plate | Fondue Set | Mug Set | Silicone Mold | Bath Bomb | Heart Pillow | Throw Blanket