Long weekends are awesome! We started out Friday with a playdate at the most amazing place. It’s kindof like Chuck-E-Cheese, but WAY cleaner and more age appropriate. The room we played in is only for kids up to 5, has food delivered at the time you request, free WiFi, Starbucks coffee, and big comfy leather chairs. It was perfect!

Hopefully he will like to cook with me!

That’s a huge inflatable slide.
After Cooper told me “I need Ty”, we thought we should get together.
We always have fun with Lisa and Ty!
Don’t they look so cute playing together?
Coop really loved this pink car. I didn’t show the hubs this pic. Hehe.

We always have fun with Lisa and Ty!

Sunday, It was off to Sacramento to watch the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!
We hung out with our great friends there, but I didn’t bring my camera. Boo.
So excited for this next weekend!
Sorry if you’re a Colts fan. I will be hardcore rooting against you!
Today was rain All. Day. Long. It was so nice, though, because Coop slept until 9:45! I’ll go tanless for the rest of time if I can sleep that late every day. It was perfect.
Hope you all had a great weekend, too!
I'll be a Jets fan on Sunday! I can't stand Peyton Manning. I like Coop in the pink car, he looks like he is having a blast!
That place you went to was awesome!!! It looks like you had a good weekend!
Aw looks like your weekend was a blast! That place you took your son to looks awesome we don't have anything like that in Panama….
so adorable. and he looks mighty manly in that pink car so it's all good 🙂
glad you had a good weekend lady!
aw, fun pics.
colts are gonna win! peyton is the greatest of all time!
That place sounds wonderful!! I don't think we have anything like that around here.
so jealous of the sleeping in girl!!!
that little play place sounds like fun, for kids and mommies! 😉
glad you had a great weekend sweets!!
Looks fun!! It takes a real man to wear pink…so Coop is very secure in his masculinity cruising around in a pink car 🙂
He is so cute! I can't believe he actually said, "I need Ty!" That's so so cute. Looks like a fun place too! Big leather chairs and Starbucks! I'd go if I wouldn't be the creepy person with out their own kid hanging around.
Oh well! Looks like you guys had fun!!!
I can help Coop with the cooking later on! No problem!
I love the face he's making in the pink car!
Love Coop in the pink car 🙂
coop's face in the pink car is classic!
sorry i'm a colts fan so it looks like i'll be rooting against you ;P
That place looks awesome! I wish they had one here!
Man, that place looks AWESOME! We don't have anything like that around her. HAD to be a mom that came up with the concept, though. And oh my goodness is he ever a cutie. 🙂
I'm a MAYJAH Colts fan girl!! ha.
That place looked so cool. I bet Coop love loved it.
I wish SuperFranks was around when David was little. Can't stand Chuck-E-Cheese. I always thought it smelled like pee and beer. Bad combination!