I am pretty certain as I felt my first ever urge (like in all my life) to throw things away, that I am nesting. Now, I am only just about 14 weeks, but I can’t get enough of that fun walk out to the trash can or over to the give away pile. No joke people, I’ve never enjoyed that before.
So, I cleaned out Cooper’s closet. Got rid of an entire Rubbermaid bucket full of clothes and replaced them all neatly with his new 4T (eek!) ones.
Then it was off to this horrible closet in the mudroom. It is right when you walk in from the garage, so its a complete dumping ground. I threw out 2 trash bags full of bags out of this one closet.
Hi, I’m Molly and I hoard shopping bags.
I replaced those bags with a shoe rack for the “big people” shoes and a hanging shoe holder for Cooper’s little shoes. I kept the light spring coats and all my aprons in there, too.

I also cleaned out the coat closet that now holds all the winter coats, vacuum cleaner and toilet paper for the down stairs bathroom. Its remarkably empty and beautiful.
We also decided to redo our flower beds. The builders put lots of holly bushes in the front beds, which Cooper soon discovered had “berries” on them. Fun times.
We ripped out everything and planted white azaleas, knockout roses, boxwoods and hostas. The tree in the corner is a bradford pear which is my fave. We had one at every house I lived in growing up.
I am a sucker for black mulch, too. Is that weird? Haha.
And since I have 3 hostas that are almost 1 year old, (I DIDN’T KILL THEM!!) I decided to try my hand at gardening. I have tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers sprouting in the kitchen and I am about to transplant them to a little garden plot hubs dug out for me. I am going to add herbs and we planted 2 pear trees. I am pretty sure it will be a flipping wonder if they all live much less produce fruit, but I feel super domestic!
Anyone else going spring cleaning crazy?
I feel like I have been nesting this entire trimester. I've been cleaning and throwing away like a mad woman.
The beds look awesome!
Your yard looks fantastic! Way to go!! I think that black mulch looks classy! We are talking about growing a few veggies when we get settled into our house.. so.. I will let you grow some first and work out all the kinks and then you can mentor me 🙂
Looks great! Love the flowerbeds!
Looks fabulous! Good luck with the gardening, I bet it will go great 🙂
Impressive! I love spring cleaning. Actually I just cleaned out our pantry yesterday. It is such a disaster! Sometimes having a lot of space is a mixed blessing.
Ps. Are those really all Cooper's shoes?! Holy cow! Poor Tyler only has maybe 3 pairs. What he doesn't know won't hurt him right? 🙂
you go girl! can you come do my room too?! haha.
good luck gardening girl , hope you do produce fruit 🙂
Can you come to my house?? I have no motivation to clean but it needs to be done. I also love the black mulch we put some down last year.
We have boxwoods in front of our porch & I hate them! Hubs NEVER keeps them shaped right & it drives me insane.
I'd love to rip them up & replace them with Azaleas. We'll see.
We also have a flower bed full of nothing but Hostas. Its' full b/c they're so big, nothing else can grow.
You have been productive! Coop has a lot of shoes! Holy smokes! Good luck with the gardening. I love gardening. Hopefully those pear trees produce fruit for you.
I love planting flowers and plants, and new mulch and having veggies! I just planted all mine this past weekend and I love seeing how much prettier everything is now!
Looks great…no spring cleaning here, but I do have my tomatoes in the garden!
While folding laundry the other day I actually found myself thinking, "Thank goodness I'm moving in a few months so I can go through all this and GET RID of things."
I blame my mother. She should have her own anti-Hoarders show. And she passed it on to me.
Looks good. I love when I get in those moods to clean and declutter.
Totally into the cleaning thing too and I'm not preggo 🙂 We had our carpets cleaned last week and the house powerwashed this week. Mia's closest is a disaster. I have no idea how she has so many clothes. She's 18 months old for crying out loud. I can't keep up, she grows to fast.
PS – Hubs and I love the black mulch too. Have to have it! Every year! The flower beds look great! It's on my list for the front this weekend!
I cannot WAIT to spring clean once we start moving! I have gotten rid of several bags of clothes recently and will be getting rid of more once we move! Hallelujah – I LOVE to purge! (and buy new things!) 🙂
I need to do this as well….and I admit….I also haord shopping bags…WHY do I keep those?!?! So strange!
Your landscaping looks great!!
I'm not even preggos but I've been in major cleaning/organizing mode too! I think it's the season change.
Everything looks great! I have been nesting like crazy with this pregnancy, too.
I've been major spring cleaning too. NOT PREGNANT! I love love love to throw stuff away.