This is my very sad wallet, and thats how close it comes to closing.
At least only 1 is a credit card.
There are the ones that save me money.
The ones that make me remember California living.

And the ones that prove I am who I am.
(Now you’ve seen I can give CPR so you can skip asking next time ya need it.)Oh, and we can’t forget
my rolls of cash $4. This was actually surprising to find because I NEVER have cash.

Our California friends, Lance and Maggie, (who I get to see in less than 3 months!) were giving me a hard time about how many I had in there right before we moved. Since then, I think I’ve added about 10 to the pile, resulting in a non-closing wallet.
So now I’m debating, should I get a bigger wallet and keep all the goods, or get rid of some?
Am I the only one with a massive amount of these cards?
Does anyone have an awesome big wallet I should get?
haha no I had these. I ended up making a separate pile and using a hair tie to keep them together and then threw them in my purse. That way I had them with me but they weren't in my every day use! Good luck!
Wow, I thought I had a lot of cards but I think you have me beat. I had so many that mine wouldn't close either. I ended up getting a small card wallet and I put the ones that I don't use very often in it.
I have this same problem. In order to have a wallet that shuts, I only keep in it my drivers license and cards I use on a regular basis. I have a separate little card holder for things like insurance cards, library cards, etc. – things I don't use every day. Also, for discount cards or store loyalty cards, I keep the ones I use most on my keychain. Then I keep all my gift cards in a zippered pocket in my purse. If I tried to put them all in one place I don't think there is a wallet that would be big enough.
Nooo silly. Keep your wallet and get a separate small zip-up pouch to keep your frequent buyer cards in (like this one, except maybe cheaper and without mirrors
I would keep the gift cards in your wallet though since they have a cash value.
Wow girl I don't know how you find anything in there! My guess wallet holds a lot of cards but I'm not sure it would be enough for you… Funny girl! 🙂
Oh my stars, girl! Your wallet needs a makeover!! Needs to be purged of the unnecessary! lol
haha. id go with a bigger wallet 🙂
Holy smokes… and I thought I had lots of cards! That's awesome haha…
oh my goodness!! you have A LOT of cards!!
i for sure don't have close to that many! 😉
I'd separate my cards… which I need to do, so I will actually get these kinds of money savers!
I don't know if you could fit 57 cards in one of them, but opera wallets are amazing and large and classy-looking.
It was love at first sight two years ago, and now I don't know how I lived without one.
I think it's time to purge. I have to purge my wallet every couple of months otherwise it's out of control.
P.S. PF Chang's is our favorite place and not just because my hubby is the Executive Chef at the one in Arlington 😉
Get a new wallet! That would be fun!
I have tons as well! I ended up getting a card holder thing. Its super cute and holds all the cards I love the keep that I don't necessarily use on a day-to-day basis, but are there when I need them. Its nice because it helps keep my purse organized and my wallet closed! I got mine at Kohls. 🙂 Good luck! 🙂
I totally agree. Everyone and their brother has a card. And if they offer a card, I need to have it. I really laughed. Thanks for sharing.
Holy smokes!! That is a crazy amount of cards! I'd say keep the wallet if you like it and take the cards you don't use that often and put them in a separate thing of some sort. 🙂 That's what I do. But then again I only have about half as many cards. And yes it surprises me too when I find cash! One time I had to use my debit card for $1 because I seriously had no cash!! haha
Holy Crap! That's a lot of cards! I think that I have about five in my wallet 🙂
WOW! That is one stuffed wallet. Love the $4 🙂
I cleaned out my wallet last year and most say I don't miss all the extras that I never used because I forgot I had them!
I never ever clean out my closet, but I don't think I even come close to that much plastic! 😉 I would def. keep it and find a bigger one!
i have a great idea! in your wallet only have your ID's, gift cards, CC, debit card etc. Then punch a hole in all the other cards (on the side that does not swipe or scan) and put them on a big key ring! That way you have a small wallet with all the major things you need to not loose and then a big thing to throw around of all the discount/membership cards needed… 🙂
I have a great big Penelope Signature wallet from Coach and i LOVE it! I've had it for 4 years and it still looks brand new. It holds a lot. I don't have as many cards as you, but I do have a lot and they all fit. Plus there's also room for my checkbook!
ha….remends me a little somthing of my own wallet… cards adn such have just overflowed into my purse…the pockets…just floating around the bottom….ugh, what a mess! yours are more organized than mine!
i would just get a card holder or clip to hold the cards and continue with your wallet use 🙂
mine wont close either!!!!!
I think you need a day planner! One with credit card sleeves! You can buy extra and they will all lay nice and flat! I'd say a cute pink one if definitely in your future my dear!!!
My wallet looks pretty much like that too.. my solution! I bought a bigger wallet:P ha ha :):)
i have a business card holder that flips out and you can see them all.. I have an extra one.. it's purple but it's cute.. do you want it?
i have some cards, and i just put them in pocket… some many cards you have! crazy!!!
I too have tons (at least 75). I would just thow them is my purse and would then have to dig through.
I finally figured out a solution. Get 2 LARGE key rings (or those rings that open and close) and a hole puncher. Punch 2 holes at the top of each card and then put them on the rings in alphabetical order. I also put paper clips on the edges of the 3 cards I use the most.
This works as long as the card has a barcode (not a scan bar like a credit card).