Do videos count for Wordful Wednesday? Hope so. This is Cooper walking yesterday when we went out for a hike. He was filthy be the time we got home! Oh, and yes, the hubs shirt say I love Duet 4.0. Gotta hand it to a guy that has been brainwashed loves his company enough to be completely obsessed with appliances and wears shirts to prove it.
Also a reminder that this time next week, I will be here!
Head over to see other Wordful Wednesday post here:
How cute. Landon has started pulling up on everything so it won't be long before he is walking.
Holy Cuteness, Batman…..that little walk is just about the most adorable thing ever!
Yay!! How exciting!! Let the toddler fun begin!! LOL!
Too cute!!!
Congrats to him…and condolences to you! Welcome to the really crazy part, LOL!
He's a movin' man! So cute!
Sooo cute! He is getting good and just for the record I am extremely jealous of your vaca! Have a great time and have a drink for me!
Oh and I left you an award on my blog!
Watch out! The fun really starts now! too cute