A lot of you have requested a day in the life post from me. I feel like my days change dramatically from season to season and the one we're in now is particularly busy. For 2 months in the spring and fall, we're basically insane baseball people! But, this will serve to be a memory of this time in my life and I will have to do another post as things ... View the Post
Lately Around The Crazy House
Y'all. The last 2 weeks or so have been madness here. We had every second scheduled out and have gone nonstop. But this week is a little breath to regroup and find our normal groove again! We had a few big happenings including Halloween, where The Hubs and I went to a grown up party as... My hair may not have gotten quite like ... View the Post
And We’re Off!
Today, we're headed out bright and early to the city that never sleeps! We have lots of plans, most of which include baseball or eating. Haha. I'm thrilled to spend the week in New York and the boys couldn't be more excited! We'll do lots of sightseeing, since the boys have things on their lists now, Make our kids take our picture ... View the Post
Meal Prepping for a Busy Schedule
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by GOOD THiNS through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about GOOD THiNS, all opinions are my own. Baseball season is upon us and between both boys, we've been spending massive amounts of time at the ball field. This is our most time-consuming sport, but ... View the Post
Friday Favorites: May Edition
This was a long week, y'all! The Hubs was out of town all week and that always makes it an extra bit of crazy around here. We made it to every baseball practice, game and drs appointment and were on time for school every day. The house may not have gotten it's normal cleaning treatment, but everyone's alive, so we're good! Here are some of ... View the Post
Weekend Wrap-Up: Baseball Time
It's Monday again?! Our weekend was crazy busy and for the third Monday in a row, I was woken up in the wee hours with vomiting people. At least we got the weekend in healthy, right? Baseball started this week and oh my gosh. I LOVE baseball season. We've watched several of the Met games on TV already, but my favorite ones to ... View the Post