I nursed my first 2 boys until they were 13 and 14 months, when they weaned themselves. I didn't realize then how blessed I was to be able to nurse for that long, as it's a struggle for so many. I also seem to be quite the milk cow and have never had to nurse for long for my boys to get full. I actually had to put a time limit on them so that ... View the Post
Blissdom Prep Series: Bringing a Baby
Blissdom 2012 found me with a baby, a little over 3 months who was nursing. I had no choice, really, but to bring him along if I wanted to go. So I did. He did great and I left with some tips that will help you prepare for Bringing Your Baby to a Blog Conference! Theres no such thing as overpacking for a baby. Plan out daily ... View the Post