On Saturday, I ran my first 10K! I seem to do races backwards, seeing that my very first race was a half marathon, followed by a 5k, then another half. I needed to give myself a little push since I've been really lax in the workout department lately and this pushed me enough to really want to get back into it! They encouraged festive ... View the Post
The Cooper Maniacs
I've grown to love running and races so much and lately, Cooper's been joining in on the fun. When I saw there was an obstacle race coming to Charlotte, I was all in. I knew it would be something fun for us to do together, so we became the Cooper Maniacs. The whole course was 1 mile with 6 different challenge stops. We did all ... View the Post
Nike Women’s Half Marathon DC: The race and results
My second half marathon experience was so incredible. The excitement around this race was massive. There were 15,000 runners that got accepted into the lottery for the Nike Women's Half and I'm so happy that I was one of them! They put the names of every runner on the wall at Georgetown Nike, where we went for the expo and to pick up our race ... View the Post
Nike Women’s Half Marathon: Week 13.1
On Sunday, I'll be joining 15,000 other women to run 13.1 miles in the Nike Women's Half Marathon! I really thought I'd feel more prepared going into this week. I started the training out strong and fast. Unfortunately, I had a knee/leg something funky that really messed up my last couple weeks of training and I'm pretty upset about it. ... View the Post
The shape of me.
Last week, I posted this pic on Instagram and y'all wanted to know what I do as far as working out and eating. I've been working on getting in shape, training for my second half marathon and clean eating. I'm happy with the direction my body is going. It's not exactly want I want it to be, but I'm feeling more comfortable in my skin. Isn't that the ... View the Post
That time I tried to be a SuperWoman
Not sure if I mentioned it yet, but I got chosen in the random draw to run in the Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC this year! It will be my second half marathon and once again, I'll be running with my bloggy bestie, Rachel! Training with kids is tough. It's just a lot of time commitment. I've been doing fine, getting in my 3 milers around ... View the Post