It’s been a little crazy around these parts this week. We had a fun Easter weekend, followed by Spring Break stomach bug insanity. The first couple days were rough. By Tuesday, we thought everyone was on the mend and The Hubs sister and her family came for their planned visit. We had a fun day on the lake before her girls got the bug. 🙁
Glad we managed to have some fun times in between the puke! There are just a few pictures to show for it!
How do people get family pictures once you have 3 kids? I can’t seem to. But for fun, here’s a flashback to last Easter. I can’t believe how much my littles have grown! And how I kinda miss that baby belly!
Easter Egg coloring night. We had some painting kit this year and it was a huge mess! The boys dug it, though.
The kids started feeding some birds their snacks and it wasn’t long before we were surrounded. They followed us for miles!
So now that it’s Friday and things are finally settled around here, I’m ready to have a fun weekend with my boys!
Happy Friday, y’all!
Do you have an iPhone? If so, there's a timer photo option on it so that all 5 of you can be in the pictures!
Yes! I feel like I'm always searching for a good thing to prop it up on? Maybe I need a iPhone tripod. Hahaha