Cooper got his first mohawk this week! We usually just brush his hair over, but it is getting a little longer and I decided to do something with it. I sat him on the counter and he laughed and posed in the mirror the whole time I was fixing it. I think it looks adorable, but I felt a little bad for putting all that gunk on his head!I did it again ... View the Post
Archives for July 2009
My first night missing bedtime
My friend Lisa and I went to see Kenny Chesney, Lady Anetbellum, and Miranda Lambert on Saturday and it was an absolute blast. It was the best concert I have been to in along time. It started at 5:30 and we both have little ones that we put to sleep. No one has ever put Cooper to sleep but me, so I was scared to leave, but so excited to go! I gave ... View the Post
Fashion Friday – Summa, Summa, Summa Style.
I am joining in on the fun with Summer again for Fashion Friday! I am really late, but it is not my fault. It's because the hubs decided that working was more important than taking my picture this morning. So selfish, huh? Today it is miserably hot, so we are going with casual shorts. Shirt is from my favorite place in the world...Forever 21 outlet ... View the Post
If the shoe fits, BUY IT!
Payless. I usually don't shop there. You might be thinking, "Molly, you are the cheapest person on the planet, of course you shop there". Well, I actually think they are overpriced. Haha! Seriously $24.99 for a pair of fringed flip flops? I can pay that at Macy's. I have been known to be a little more generous in the shoe department, anyway. ... View the Post
Wordful Wednesday – Can I pull this off? I need your advice!
I love, love, love bando style headbands. So stinkin' cute. They are a little boho, a little flapper and alot of adorable. See?So I know they look great, but my question is, can I pull this off? I don't think I will go for the peacock feathers or huge forehead flowers, but something simple. Like so. Or maybe this? Don't you just love the ... View the Post
I’m really back…with shaving gel and lotion.
I have done 1 measly post since I came home from Hawaii 2 weeks ago. I am sorry! We did go to LA last week, but I had time. Plenty of time. I just spent it shopping and laying out instead of talking to you. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that my reader shows 1000+, so I have been avoiding it. Why do you people write such ... View the Post