Over the weekend, I came to the shocking realization that my 3 month old can't fit in any of his 3 month clothes. I went to the basement and fished out the rubbermaid tote full of 6-9 month stuff. When I got Callan dressed this morning, I remembered a picture of Cooper wearing the same outfit I put on him. Only thing is, this was ... View the Post
Archives for February 2012
Errands with a chill {A Fashion Post}
Errands with 2 kids is challenging enough without adding in freezing cold, layers of clothing and winter coats. I hate wearing a coat only to be miserably hot in the store, but I don't have enough hands to carry it around. Here is my solution. And yes, I'm STILL wearing leggings. I'm a complete addict. Puffy vest, accessorized a ... View the Post
Valentine’s Playgroup
I used all my Valentine's ideas from Pinterest for this mornings holiday playgroup and I must say, it turned out fab. {Rice Krispy Treat Pops} {Swirl Sugar Cookies} {Heart shaped cinnamon buns} {Heart shaped banana muffins} I've been cooking up a storm around these parts with a surprise party last night and playgroup today. I hope ... View the Post
I drank the kool-aid.
Or maybe I should say the hubs did... This early Valentine's Day gift has arrived! Thanks hubs for falling in love with all things Mac! ... View the Post
On a very special day.
Today, my sis, Casey is the big 3-0! Destin, FL circa 2006 I could go on for days about how wonderful Casey is. Really. She is my go to for questions, advice and a listening ear. And, apparently, I'm a total boob in almost all our pictures. NYE 2011 She is an amazing wife that does it all and keeps her house running with ... View the Post
3 Month Fabric Photo!
As of February 1st, Callan is 3 months old! I just can't believe how fast time is flying by! He is currently 15lbs and 26" long, wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes. He is smiling, laughing and grasping toys. He is drooling tons and I think teethies are making their way out! He is nursing every 4 hours during the day and goes 5-6 hours at ... View the Post