Oh hey, here's the world longest post! This is literally like 1/4 of the pictures on my camera, let alone the majority of the pictures that I took on my phone while we were in Disney. I'm working on a post of all the tips you need to know about planning and taking your trip to Disney World, but for now, here's a peek at some of my fave shots. You ... View the Post
What I learned at Disney
People who push strollers should be required to have a special permit. I'd like to keep my ankles and be able to walk in a straight line without you rolling over my toes. The only thing worse in life than horrible stroller drivers, are GoPro cameras. I'm really busy watching out for the safety of my toes. I don't want to have to duck and weave to ... View the Post
Disney Style with Ame & Lulu {Fashion}
I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence Central for Ame & Lulu. I received product samples to facilitate my review. We are in Disney World! We got here on Saturday and will be here for the rest of the week. I'm still not sure how they bottle so much magic up in this place. We're having the best ... View the Post