Oh, Whole30. You have a way of making us crazy, hungry, craving, yet feeling oh, so good. One thing I've really been struggling with this time around, is a Whole30 lunch. I'm not an unhealthy lunch eater in general. I love a rice cake with avocado and turkey and that's my normal lunch when I'm not Whole30-ing. I don't know what it is about that 45 ... View the Post
January Meal Plan (Whole30)
Happy 2018! I took some unintentional time away from the blog here and have been loving the time with my family! But along with time together, I've been super lax about my diet. I'm always an advocate of everything in moderation, but I have some holiday fluff that I want to get off asap! So, The Hubs and I are starting another round of Whole30. We ... View the Post
Fitness Update || Whole30 & 30 Day Workout
I got a big string of crazy thoughts early this month when I decided to do Whole30, plus working out for 30 days straight. I ate too much junk over the holidays and it was good to totally reset. But it wasn't all that awesome. Whole30 took on a whole different meaning for me this time. I did it to drop a few pounds and to cut my sugar habit. I know ... View the Post
My Workout Routine + Meal Plan
I posted a picture a few weeks back showing you my fitness progress in the last few months. Y'all asked so many great questions and while I'm NO PRO, I'm really happy to share what has worked for me. I'm also not perfect. My skin is loose from carrying 3 big babies and I have some stretch marks that you can see. But since I started switching up my ... View the Post
October Meal Plan
One of these days I'll get good at getting this meal plan out before the beginning of the month! But so many of you have told me how much you love me posting these, so here is October! Real quick before the menu, here is how I go about my Monthly Meal Planning, even though what we actually eat has changed quite a bit. Here is my DIY Menu Board ... View the Post